The Hartlib Papers

Title:Cure For Horses In German & English, & Copy Letter, Robert Wood To Hartlib In English
Dating:1658 & 11 May 1659
Ref:26/75/1A-2A: 2B BLANK.   
Notes:Original of letter at 33/1/56.

[scribal hand A:]
Ein gewiszes Experiment für die ietziger zeit graszirende Pferds seuche, an welcher viel hundert diesen Winter vber[umlaut on v] gestorben. [H: 1658./]
Nimb, so bald du empfindest dz ein Pferdt kranck ist, von der Cochenilla (welches gnugsam beÿ den Materialisten zu bekommen ist) so viel alsz auf einem Englischen Schilling liegen kan, reibe selbiges vnder ein halb pint seckt oder gutten Spanischen Wein; vnd gib solchen tranck deinem Pferde 2. mahl desz tages, nemblichen morgends vnd abends, continuire dz etliche tage nach einander, so wirstu mercklichen in kurtzer zeit den effect empfinden.
  NB. Du must woll acht haben, dz dein Pferdt nicht kalt waszer in wehrender kranckheit sauft: besondern lasz dz waszer allezeit <left margin, H: ein -> wenig erwòrmet sein, vnd thue nach gelegenheit ein wenig pulveris Glyzyrrizæ, Sulphuris, ac mellis hinein, oder anstatt deszen von dem schwartzen zucker safft; hie von lasz dz Pferdt trincken anstatt desz gemeinen waszers. Esz musz auch in acht genommen werden dz dasz Pferdt biszweilen (doch dz es fein wetter seÿ) in die luft geritten werde, vmb so viel beszer den effect zu fördern.
NB. Dz krancke Pferdt musz in <ein> frisches stroh eingewickelt werden/.

          An Excellent & approoved Receipt for
                curing of Sick Horses.
As soone as you perceive that your Horse is faln sick, you must take of Cochenilla (which is to bee had at the Druggists) so much as will lye vpon an English shilling. Grind it & mixe the same with halfe a pint of Sacke or some other good Spanish Wine and give it to the sick Horse twice a day in the morning & evening. Continue this course for a good while one day after another, & you will find the effect of it in a short time:
   Note that the sick Horse during his sicknes must drinke no cold water but let the water always bee a little warmed & as you shall find occasion put into it a little qvantity of pulveris Glyzyrrizæ, Sulphuris ac mellis, or instead of them of the juice of black sugar. This must bee the Horses drinke instead of common Water. You must likewise observe to lead forth the Horse (I meane when it is faire weather) into the open aire & to ride him gently, which will the better further the desired effect.
  Note the Horse ( as I remember) must likewise bee wrapped in straw, as long as it is sick./.

     Dublin-Castle May 11. 1659.
Your Receit (hee meanes the above-mentioned Receit) for the curing the present Plague in Horses has prooved very effectuall as well in my Lords Stable as elsewhere, divers of our Horses that tooke it, have beene cured. And indeed all of them to which it hath beene carefully applied (except two) have recovered & though some of them have relapsed yet the same meanes has restored them. And the recovered Horses are now most of them at soyle with Clover-grasse two Acres of which wee have hired this summer from May to Michaelmas at 10lb Rent, & that in Ireland too, which I mention that you may see it is profitable somewhere notwithstanding the discouragements your Frind mentions hee received./