The Hartlib Papers

Title:Notes & Extracts On Bees, Hartlib
Dating:part Dated 10 March 1653, 14 May 1653, 13 April 1654
Ref:26/29/55A-58B: 55B BLANK, 56B, 58B PRINTED

     The Morality and Theologie or [Divinity MS torn]
                    of Bees.
     All the Passages ex Mr. Mores D [A.... torn]
               against Atheisme
     The Similes from Bees vsed by English Writers
       Collected out of their Sermons Books etc.

     Versio omissis omittendis et additis
     Ex Med. distillat. Kunrathi von honige [meth?]
     Part.1. a P.80 ad p.102.
                    secunda Par.
                    von Meth
          A p.192 ad p.201.
[below, upside down:]
          4.17. 7 [altered from 6. 16.0 ]
          1 14 11

          An Extract of Mr Ravius Letter
               10. of March 1653.
     Ecce quid Iacobus Iunior meus frater Magdeburgensis Canonicus de sua Agriculturæ Experientia scribat 7. Ianuary 1653. - In Stercoris ovium succo si frumentum per diem maceretur dat quoque multas et vberes in solo arenaso spicas. Der Salpeter thut auch viel dabey; sed in hortis tantum non in spatiosis agris hæc cura adhiberi potest.
     Dabo alia Stercorandi Genera.
Mancher saet [deletion] die spene von dem horn, soe die kam macher abschneiden auff seinen Acker kan mit 2. sheffel so viel bemüsten als 30. fuder nicht können thun vnd dauert 5. Iahr.
     Mancher saet den grutz von kalck in acker, der kalt ist.
     Mancher helt fur ein geheimnus zigelsteine klein zerstucket in acker zu [deletion] saen, davon iahrlich etwas abfelt, vnd den acker tunchen, so woll 10. 12. vnd mehr Iahr dauert, das der acker von newen nicht gemist werden darf, welches dan die vernunft gibt weil die ziegel vnd bach steine auss fettem thon gemacht werden
     NB. Frater scribit se non ex Libris sed jam ex biennii praxi hæc habere   

               14 Mai: 1653 [Holonia?]
Quod attinet ad Oeconomiam Livenicam optarim vt esset impressa Author ejus vocatur Stopius, sed Bibliopola inquit in Prefatione - Ich hòtte gerne des sehligen Her'n stopii (Medicus videtur fuisse) beschriebene Lieflandishe Oeconomiam verligen wollen wan mich die [shoene?] Kosten so das weitleuftige Werke erfordert, nicht abgeshreckt hòtten; habe vnterdessen Salomonis Gutberti Pastoris zu sensel Compendium ejus heraus geben. Impressum Rigæ 1645 octavo. Et quanquam ad Dn. Witte scripserim qui Rigæ praxin jam exercet, tamen nil respondet.

                    Dr. Tho. Brown.
          From St. Iames Parish in Barbados.
                    April 13. 1654
I forgot to tell you that there bee no Bees here of no kinds nor silkwormes nor Mulberries.
[another hand:]
I know you have had many informations of this place: it shall suffice me to say, that it is a wholesome, fruitfull & pleasant Country, which if it had met with industrious people, would have been as happy and plentyfull, as any in the Indies: but the field of the sluggard, never was well cultivated: here wants nothing, but vertuous & laborious people, to live to the praise of so good a God, & peace, that wee might have free trade, for all necessaries are here very deere. I shall not not now enlarge myselfe in particulars; I reserve it to another time, & then I shall enlarge myselfe./.