The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy, Charles I Commission To Earl Of Arundel
Dating:7 March [1638/1639?]

[.od?] 7o Martii Anno Regni Regis Caroli. Billa ista
deliberata fuit Domino Custodi magni Sigilli Anglici apud
Charles by the grace of god King of England, Scotland France & Ireland, defender of the faith, to our right trusty and well beloued Cozen and Counseller Thomas Earle of Arundell & Surrey; Earle Marshall of England, Knight of the most honourable ordre of the garter, greeting; Know yee that wee reposing special trust and confidence in your approoued wisedome, fidelitie, valour and great abilitie, haue assigned, made, constituted and ordained you to bee our General of our armie, extended forthwith to bee raised, and ouer all our men which bee or shall bee leauied in all our conties of this our Realme and dominion of Wales, and assembled or to bee assembled into an armie or armies to resist and withstand all invasions, tumults, seditions, conspirations or attempts that may happen to bee made, against our person or state and to rule, gouuerne, command, dispose & imploy the said armie & all officers and others imployed and to bee imployed concerning the same with all such further forces of what nation soeuer as shall bee hereafter ioyned thereunto for supplye, for the accomplishement of such executions, defences, offences and other seruices as are or shall bee by us from time to time directed, limited & appointed in or by such priuate instructions as are therewith <are> deliuered unto you, under our signe manuall, or which shall bee limited, directed or appointed by our further instructions under our signe manuell. And further wee haue giuen you full power and authoritie [catchword: that]

that the same persons be leuied or assembled, or soe to bee leuied or assembled by you or sent, conducted or brought, or that otherwise shall come unto you, either by the seueral order or by authoritie of this our commission as aforesaid to try, array or putt in redinesse & them or euery of them, after their abilities, degrees & faculties well and sufficiently cause to bee weaponed and armed: and to take or cause to bee taken the masters of them or any other of our trained bands within this our Realme of England and dominion of Wales from time to time in places most meete for that purpose after your good discretion: and also the same our subiects so arayed, tryed and armed as well men of armes as other horsemen, archers and footemen of all kind and degrees, meete and apt for the warres to gouuerne leade and conduct against all and singular our Enemies attempting any invasions; And also against all and singular rebells, traytours and other offenders and their adherents attempting any thing against us our Crowne and dignitie, or our said armie to divide, distribute and dispose the same or any part thereof to convey by land or water as occasion shall serue or require to your good discretion: And with the said rebells, Enemies or traitours to fight and them to invade, resist, represse, pursue and follow into any of our dominions, & them to subdue and to fulfill all and singular other things, which shall bee requisite for the leading gouuernement order and rule of our said armie and subiects: And for conservation of our person and peace & further to doe offer and execute against the said rebells, traitours and their adherents and o- [catchword: ther]

ther delinquents and offenders as need shall require by your discretion, the Law marshall as our Generall; And of such offenders apprehended, and being brought into subjection to saue whom you thinke good to be saued and to slay, destroy and putt to execution of death such and so many of them as you shall thinke meete by your discretion to bee putt to death by any manner of meanes, to the terrour of all other offendours. And wee doe further giue unto you our Generall full power and authoritie for us and in our name as occasion shall require according to your good discretion by publique proclamation to make offer<H: Tender> of our Royal grace & pardon to all such traytours, rebells or other offenders as shall submitte to Us and desire to be recieued to our mercy. And further our will and pleasure is, and by these presents wee doe giue you full power and authoritie that in case any invasion of enemies, resurrection, rebellion[altered], Riots, Routs or unlawfull assemblies or other like offences shall happen to bee moued that then as often as you shall perceiue any such misdemeanour to arise, with all your power you can make, shall with all diligence repaire or send convenient forces to the place where any such attempt unlawfull assembly, resurrection or rebellion shall happen to bee made and shall subdue, represse and reforme the same as well by battaile or other kind of force as otherwise by the lawes of the realme or the Law marshall according to your good discretion, and for the better execution of this our commission wee doe further giue you power and authoritie from time to time to command of & all or any of our lieutenants speciall and their deputie lieutenants of the seuerall [catchword: counties]

Counties of this Realme and dominion of Wales, to send to you such number of men for the warres as well horsemen as footemen of trained bands and others sufficiently armed & furnished to such place or places and to<at> such time and times as you in your wisedome shall appoint which said forces you are to gouuerne order and dispose as the present occasion shall require for the advantage of our seruice according to your good discretion. And further for the better assistance in this our seruice wee doe hereby assigne make constitute and order our right trustie and well beloued Cozen Robert Earl of Essex & Ewe Vicecount Hereford and Bouther, Lord Farrars of chartly, Lord Bowther Reuame, to bee Lieutenant Generall of this our armie, and our right well beloued cozen and Counsellor Henry Earle of Holland, Lord Chiefe Iustice & Iustice of Eyre of all our forests, chases, Parks and warrens of this side Trent, first Gentleman of the bedchamber and Knight of the most noble order of the garter to bee our generall of our troupes of horse to serue in our said armie for the execution of this our commission according to such direction as from time to time you shall giue unto them. And further wee doe giue you powers and authoritie to appoint within our said armie a Provost marshall to use the said law marshall. And doe also giue you our said Generall full power and authoritie by these presents to heare, examine, and determine as well by your selfe as by your sufficient deputie or deputies all criminall causes growing and arising within our [catchword: said]

said armie as well concerning the death of any person or losse of member and all cases ciuill, whatsoeuer they bee which shall happen or chance within the said Armie. And also wee giue you full power and authoritie to make, constitute and ordaine statutes ordinances and proclamations from time to time as the cause shall require for the good gouuernement order and rule of our said Armie. And the same and euery of them to cause to bee duely proclaimed, performed, and executed. And whomsoever you shall finde contemtious, disobedient or disordered in our said Armie to attack apprehend and putt in prison; and them and euery of them to chastise and punish, and such as you shall imprison you shall cause them to bee proceeded against according to the qualitie of the offences, as well by peines of death or losse of member or otherwise according to your discretion: and to deliuer and sett at libertie any person so imprisoned as by you shall bee thought convenient. And of for encouragement of fitt and deseruing persons wee doe giue you full power and authoritie [deletion] in our absence to reward with the honour of Knighthood and of Knights demerits, such as in your discretion shall deserue the same in this our present seruice and to grant and assigne them Armes and ensignes of armes as is meete and to the office of a Generall appertaineth. And wee doe further giue power and authoritie to you our Generall for causes specially moouing you by your letters under seale from time to time and as often to you it [catchword: shall]

shall seeme meete to grant safe conduct general or special in all places by land or by water to any persons whatsoeuer and generally to doe and execute all and euery thing and things, which to your office and to a General of our said Armie doeth belong and appertaine, and which for the good and safe gouuernement of our Armie and subiects shall bee thought expedient and necessarie. And for the better execution of this our seruice wee doe further giue unto you our Generall full power and authoritie as occasion shall require to command all our Forts and castles now fortified or hereafter to bee fortified in or neere the ports or places where our said Armie from time to time shall bee and to remoue, displace or continue the Captaines lieutenants and souldiers as you shall thinke meete for the safetie and good of our Armie and the aduancement of this our seruice. And wee will and command you our Generall that with all speede you execute the premises with effect. Wherefore wee will and command all and singular lieutenants speciall, dukes, marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, Barrons, Baronnets, Knights, Sheriffes, Mayors, Bayliffs Constables, Captaines, souldiers and all our officers, ministers and louing Subiects of what estate, degree or condition soeuer hee or they shall bee that they & euery of them with their power and seruants from time to time bee attendant, aiding and assisting counselling, helping or at your Command in the due execution hereof as they and euery of them tender our pleasure, to the contrarie at their perills. And further our plea-[catchword sure]

sure is, that whatsoeuer you shall doe by vertue of this our commission and priuate instruction and according to the tenour and effect of the same touching the execution of the premises or any part thereof, you shall bee discharged in that behalfe against us, our heires and successours; Neuerthelesse our intention and meaning is that our present commission or any thing therein contained shall not impeach or infringe the office of Earle Marshall of England or any right or Iurisdiction incident or belonging to the same. In witnesse whereof wee haue caused these our letters to be made pattents, and to continue during our pleasure.
        May it please your most excellent Maiestie
This containeth your commission to the Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshal of England whereby your Maiestie doeth appoint him Generall of your Maiesties Armie. Robert Earl of Essex to bee Lieutenant Generall and Henry Earle of Holland your Majesties General of your troupes of horse to serue in Armies in Sundry Iurisdictions to the said Lord General Armie which hath beene seene and approoued by your Maiestie
     And is done by your Maiesties signe Manuell
                                     Iohn Bankes.

[another hand:]
          Commission to the Earl of Arundell
               Marshall of England