The Hartlib Papers

Title:Extract Relating To Author Of "Primatus Papae"
Ref:21/9A-B: 9B BLANK

[squiggle]. S. is well-inclined upon the motion, to dedicate his Primatus Papæ, unto the [Parliament? MS torn] of both these Kingdomes, if he could but fairely doe <it;> & that it might not be ill taken by the States Generall, for having never as yet dedicated any thing unto them, that hitherto & still [did him?] <doe him> much honour.   We could wish him furnished with some obligation from your parts, not only in this regard, but also that he might the better be able to continue, Where he may have freedome of Writting. France hath a long time sought to pluck that Pen from amongst us; & now of late more then ever, by the Kings owne letters to himselfe & <to> the States General, with very great offers of honour of & profit. If we [letters deleted] must needs loose him, we would rather, he might be with you, then yonder, where he shall never have that liberty of writting, [especially? MS torn] in matters of Ecclesiastical History, wherin he is able to doe the Church of God great service being so excellent a man in every regard, & that hath such an incomparable faculty and facility of writting, such a profound & universall Knowledge; & Who indeed alone is suffiently able to nonplusse all your Hierachicall & Independent Writters. And truely Whatsoever else <also> should come to be treated or debated, this great man, will never be to seeke for supplying matters & advice. [squiggle] & Wherever he is entertained, he will he can not but prove an excellent & rare ornament & benefit to his Patrons, even to states & Kingdomes: