The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Letters On Maintenance For Elector Palatine
Dating:17 February 1644, 21 February 1644, 25 February 1644, 13 March 1644
Ref:20/4/17A-22B: 17B, 19B, 20B BLANK

          His Highnesses the Prince Elector Palatine's
            Letter to the Committee of both Kingdomes.
My Lords et Gentlemen
                     By this inclosed paper you will find my present condition to bee such, that I want meanes for my owne Subsitance, and for the maintenance of my publick Ministers in such negociations, as the urgent necessitie of my affaires requires. At this time it is the greater, in respect, that the Crownes of France, Sweden, et their Confederates, having seriously taken into their Consideration the important Interest I have in the present great Affaires, now in agitation at the generall Treatie of Peace at Munster et Osnabruck; as alsoe, that no firme nor constant Peace can bee agreed upon (especially in the Empire) without the determining et settling of my Affaires; have earnestly et severally invited et desired mee, to send my publick Ministers to the said Places, to manage my Interests in all Negociations & Stipulations. Which I can not omitte, without a very great prejudice to the true Reformed Religion et Cause in generall, as well as to my Affaires and Interests, concerning my restitution in Dignitie et Dominions. The advancement whereof since both Kingdomes have ever embraced with so much affection, I doubt not, but their sence will still bee, to provide for my present subsistance, in a way most conducing therunto, in expectation of their more effectuall advancement therof. Therefore I thought fitt to adresse my desires to bee represented to the Parliament by you, who are best able to time the said businesse, and to advance it by your serious recommendation; whereby you will very much obleige
Whitehall, this 17th
 of Febr: 1644./

             Die Veneris, 21o. Febr: 1644.
A letter from the Prince Elector his Highnesse to the Committee of both Kingdomes, et from thence reported by Sir Philipp Stapleton, and likewise the humble Remonstrance of Iames Harrington Esq. concerning the Affaires of his Highness the Prince Elector, made to the House of Commons, were both this day read et referred to this Committee:
  Sir H. Vane Sen:                 Mr. Wallopp.
  Sir Ant: Irby.                   Mr. Wheeler.
  Sir Benj: Rudyard.               Mr. Bond.
  Mr. Recorder.                    Mr. Long.
  Mr. Baynton.                     Sir Iohn Corbett.
  Sir Gilbert Gerrart.             Mr. Cage.
  Sir Christo: Wray.               Mr. Gourdon.
  Sir Philipp Stapleton.           Mr. Holland.
  Sir Iohn Clotworthy.             Sir Peter Wentworth.
  Sir William Strickland.          Sir Robert Harley.
  Sir Henry Mildmay.               Sir Ralph Ashton.
  Sir Iohn Evelyn                  Sir Gilbert Pickering.
  Sir Arthur Haslerigg.            Sir Iohn Curson.
                                   Mr. Salloway.
                                   Mr. Nicoll.
Are to consider of the Letter et Remonstrance, and of some fitt et constant way of providing meanes for the future subsistance of the Prince Elector: And have power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, etc. And are to meete on Monday next at twoe post meridian: at Sir Abraham Williams house at Westminster.
                                H. Elsynge Cler:
                                  Parl: Dom: Comm:

              Die Veneris, 21o. Febr: 1644.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament That the Commissioners of Excise bee earnestly desired, fortwith to advance et send unto the Committee of the Kings Revenue one thousand pounds, to bee fortwith advanced et payed by them, to supplie the present occasions of the Prince Elector; the said Committee promising to repay the said Commissioners the said 1000lb. at six monthes end with Interest: Mr Nicoll is to presse the Commissioners herein.
                       H. Elsynge Cler: Parl:
                           Dom: Comm:
            Die Veneris, 21o. Febr: 1644
It is this day ordered by the Commissioners assembled in Parliament That twoe thousand pounds out of the first moneys, that shall come in at the Committee of Accompts, next after the Assignements et Ingagements already passed upon that Committee shall bee advanced et payed to Iames Harrington Esq. upon accompt, for supplie of the urgent necessities of the Prince Elector: And that a Receipt under the hand of the said Iames Harrington, shall bee a sufficient discharge to the said Committee And Sir Robert Harley is appointed to acquaint the said Committee with this Order
                          H. Elsynge Cler: Parl:
                               Dom: Comm:

                  Die Martis, 25to. Febr: 1644./
Whereas Iohn Towse Esq: Alderman of the Citie of London, and the rest of the Commissioners of the Excise et new Import, have advanced et lent for the service of the Prince Elector Palatine upon Rhyne, the summe of one thousand pounds, Bee it hereby ordeined by the Lords et Commissioners assembled in Parliament That the said Commissioners of Excise shall et may satisfie et reimburse themselves the said one thousand pounds, together with Interest for the same, after the rate of Eight pounds per Cent: for so long time, as they shall bee out of the same, or any part therof, out of such intervall of time, as shall happen, when other payments already assigned upon the Excise, shall not happen to fall due: Or for default therof, then as the same shall follow in course, and shall not by any other Order or Ordinance of One or both Houses of Parliament bee debarred from satisfying et reimbursing themselves accordingly. And it is likewise further Ordeined, that the said Commissioners of Excise shall et may pay the said One thousand pounds unto Iames Harrington Esq: Agent for for the said Prince, for the vse aforesaid, whose Receipt shall bee a sufficient discharge unto them, et every of them in this behalfe.
         Io: Browne Cleric:
This Ordinance was framed et presented to the Parliament, in lieu et amendment of the second Order of the House of Commons bearing date, Die Veneris, the 21th of Febr. 1644. by the Committee of Excise.

[Hartlib's hand:]
[scribal hand:]
               Thursday the 13th March, 1644.
Prince Elector.
              Resolved etc.
   That 8000lb. per Annum bee Allowed the Prince Elector, to commence from the 21th. of Febr: 1644. by Quarterly Payment
The Committee to Assist the passing the Ordinance of Accompts; for the helping in of the 2000lb. for the Prince Elector Palatine, Assigned upon the Accompts.
Queene of Bohemia
              Resolved etc.
   That 10000lb. per Annum bee Allowed the Queene of Bohemia, for her Maintenance, and the Maintenance of such of her Children, as live with her; to commence from the 5th. of March, 1644.

   To the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in
      The humble Remonstrance of Iames Harrington,
      concerning the Affaires of His Highness the Prince
      Elector Palatine.
Whereas the Electorall Palatine House, dispoiled of their Estate, Rights et Dignities, by the Enemies of the Reformed Religion et publick Libertie in Germanie, have since had noe other support, then what hath beene supplied by the Kings bountie, and the Parliament hath shewed a willingnesse to continue that, which extended particularly unto His Highness the Prince Elector Palatine; the true State of what hath beene assigned unto Him, is represented to the view of the Parliament in this following Narrative.
In the yeare 1637. His Majestie was pleased to assigne unto His Highness the Prince Elector Palatine, a Pension of 12000lb. per annum which was duly payed till the 29th Sept: 1640. and then through the distempers of the times began to bee obstructed in part, and soone after wholly; (whereby His Highness hath bin forced to contract great debts, by the ingagement of his jewells et most part of his plate, for the Subsistance of Himselfe et His familie) wherof information being given to the House of Commons, it was
             Die Martis, ultimo Martij, 1643.
resolved upon the Question,
     That three thousand pound shall bee assigned to the Prince Elector out of the Kings Revenue, next after the moneys bee payed to the Kings children.
Which Order, though made with respect unto the time past, et in consideration of Areares et debts (then et yet due to sundrie Creditors) hath since his coming hither beene payed in parcells towards his present Subsistance; Which his Highness hoped would have beene otherwise provided for, according to the intent of the following Order:
             Die Martis, 9o Maij, 1643.
It is this day Ordered by the House of Commons That Mr. Iames Harrington et Mr William Harrington Merchant, bee made Overseers of the Accompts of the Aulnage et the Farthing-Office, together with others formerly appointed: that the Moneys arising et coming in upon the profitts of the Aulnage et

the Farthing Office, bee payed into the hands of Sir William Strickland, a Member of this House, in the meane time, untill Mr. Harrington shall receive a Comission from the Prince Elector Palatine, to enable him to receive the same; the same moneys to bee imployed for the use et benefitt of the Prince Elector Palatine
But by reason of the shortnesse of the power, as to the menaging of the Aulnage, granted by this Order, unto the Overseiers therin nominated, they could make no profitt of it. To mend this defect therefore, an Ordinance was presented to the House of Commons by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, which was once read, layd by, et afterwards
             Die Sabbathi, 25to. Maij, 1644.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament That the consideration of the revenue of the Aulnage-money, et of the bringing it in, bee referred to the Committee for the Kings revenue. And there that businesse sticks, having beene altogether unprofittable unto His Highnesse
  Now of the Farthing-Office, by vertue of the said Order of the 9th of May, 1643. hath beene received 5050lb. from the 12th of Aprill, 1643. (at which time it was seized upon by the Parlaiment) till
             Die Mercurij 7o Aug: 1644.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament That this humble Petition of the Lord Major, Aldermen et Common-Councell of the Citie of London, concerning the grievance by Farthing-tokens, bee referred to the Committee for the Kings Revenue.
   At the Committee for His Majesties Revenue, sitting at
         Westminster, the 29th day of August, 1644.
It is this day Ordered with the consent of the Committee of the Common-Councell of the Citie of London, et the Officers of the Farthing-token-Office; That two such persons, as Lieutenant Colonell Hooker et Mr Deputie Lisle, shall nominate, doe presently, with two or more of the officers of the Farthing-token Office, repaire unto the said Office, et see, what stock there is now in the Office, what they shall receive, and what they rechange, betweene this et Monday next: and likewise to have recourse unto the Bookes of Accompts, to peruse them as often, as shall bee thought fitt: And that two different lockes et keyes bee made to the doore of the Office of the Farthing-tokens, the one to bee kept by the two persons to bee nominated, as aforesayd, et the other by the Officers of the Farthing-token-office [squiggle]

Which Orders have not only putt a stoppe upon the profitts from that time, but seized likewise upon the Materialls, the Stock of Rechange, et Instruments of the said Office; which having beene provided upon His Highnesses charge, appertaine, et might otherwise have beene of some profitt unto Him.
  Soe that the whole summe of that, which hath beene received upon assignements, made unto His Highness by Orders of the House of Commons comes to 8050lb.
And the areares, wherinto Hee is run, from the 29th Sept: 1640 unto the 29th Sept. last, 1644. to 35800lb.
  Wherefore His Highness being not only much indebted, but wanting both meanes et Creditt for his present necessarie subsistance, (the Orders, whereby that was once provided for, being (as appeares by this Remonstrance) againe obstructed et annulled by the same power, that made them) desireth the Parliament to consider his present condition, et assist him in his necessitie, which is at this time the greater, in respect of his necessarie negotiations abroad, especially at the Generall Treatie at Munster et Osnabrugg, wherunto His Highness is invited to send Ministers by the Crownes of France et Sweden. All which His Highness doth recommende to the pious zeale, care et great wisdome of the Parliament.

[another hand:]
Pape Propositions and Orders for the alloweing a maintenance to the Prince Elector/.
[Hartlib's hand:]
  P. Elect. Palatine./