The Hartlib Papers

Title:Description Of Experiment In Hartlib'S Hand
Ref:16/1/70A-71B: 71A-B BLANK

              Mr St. Luna-fixa.
Take of the Antim. [Gap in text] of Mars Hispan. [Gap in text] let these bee set on the fire and well melted together after they are melted put into them [Gap in text] salpeeter, so [Gap in text] of saltpeeter for 5. times. But let the peter at each time bee well consumed before you put in more; after put it out into an Iron Ladle after it is cold separate the scorious substance from the Mettaline. Then take this clensed Mettal and add to [Gap in text] of it [Gap in text] of the pure clensed [colcater?] of aq. fortis in powder and [Gap in text] of Bay-salt, and let these all bee melted in a crucible, and there continue for one halfe-houre; after cast it out into an Ingot, then take a fresh crucible, and put in of the [Colcator?] and salt; the second time with the Mettal let it stand on the fire an other halfe houre: so iterate this the third time. After take [Gap in text] of the finest

silver. and put to it [Gap in text] of the aforementioned Body; put these into a crucible and melt them downe for halfe an houre; then put into them a spoonful of peter, so three spoonfuls one after the other, as they are consumed away, which will bee in halfe an houre then cast it out into an Ingot, then take another Crucible and melt it downe, and keep it in a very strong fire an other houre. In this time you shall see the Arsenical fumes passe away in a white vapor, cast it into an other Ingot, and then put it into another Crucible and keepe it on the fire till all the fumes are ceased. Let the fire bee very strong and in this time you will finde a skin cover the whole matter. After it hath thus continued 4. houres on a strong fire & you will finde [Gap in text] of Mettal wasted away to [Gap in text] which after will waste no more but will endure [Gap in text?] all fires./