The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Extracts In Hartlib'S Hand
Dating:9 November, 2 December, 17 December, 28 December 1660

         Ex Literis Antistitis Tigurini
          Tiguri Dec 2. 1660./
Liberalem [illam?] - Solicitabimus Votis.
   An Extract of Lord Medniansky's Letter Nov. 9. 1660./
These are to assure our best Friends that wee are here in a most woful condition, that cannot bee expressed. Our Princesse [Ragotsi?] with her Son are revolted to Popery. The Persecutions encrease in all places. One Church after another is taken from vs, <and> the Comon People are forced by imprisonments to embrace the Popish Religion; so that nothing but <complaints and> lamentations are heard amongst vs. In a Word. Wee are arrived to such times that wee have cause to envy the condition of the dead such miseries and pressures being put vpon [letters deleted] our necks that if Gods Word did not sustaine vs wee could not possibly subsist vnder them. The Turkish Governours intended to have reduced Transylvania in formam Provinciæ. But God would not suffer it having given the Land Prince Barczaj (who all this while was detained prisoner by the Turke) to whom the whole Country hath submitted, so that hee hath gotten good footing in all Transylvania the Turk's having granted him the former Libertys the Country formerly enioyed. Hee is for the present keeping a dyet with the States at Clausenburg, the Turke having given them assurances that having Waradin

in his hands hee will master no more any of their strong places. By this meanes the Turke keepes himself quiet every where restoring to all those that have dwelt in or about Waradin their former posessions, hee hath restored also to the Gentry and Nobility theirs, and suffers Waradin itselfe to enioy all their former Priviledges as well in Statu Ecclesiastico as Politico. Hee hath published a Proclamation wherin hee cals back the Heyducks and other Inhabitants that were fled inviting them to come home with a promise to take them into his protection and to free them from all tribut or contributions for the space of 3. yeares so that all may bee setled again in perfect Peace. The German Army have ensconced themselves attempting nothing against the Turke but horridly wasting and spoiling the Countrey thereabouts. Prince Barzaj doth what hee can for the preservation of our Religion throughout all Hungaria. Hee sent lately a Message to the Palatin of Hungary to desist from his reforming endeavours in Religion. But they care not for it so that God only knows what will bee the end of all these Affaires. It's written by the Court-Minister of [Briegin?] Silesia that when the Officers of the City of Bresla came to open <one> the Gates of the City, they found one

one of them open, though they had beene shut and locked with all diligence and care. I feare there is some judgment neare at hand to fall vpon the City. The locks and all other things were found safe and whole.
             Hamburg. Dec. 17. 1660./
The Inhabitants of Jutland which by reason of the bad ways could not possibly arrive at Coppenhagen; have at last appeared and taken the <new> Oath of Allegiance. The great Polonian Victory against the Muscovite is largely confirmed. There is yet little appearance of any Peace to bee made between Muscovia and Sweden but the Warlicke Preparations are continued with maine and might on both sides. At Vienna the Hungarian consultations are strongly continued the Turkes threateing very early to take the field. The Turkish Emperor being resolved to appeare in Person hee hath sent for all the Cavalry in Asia to come and waite vpon him. The Roman Emperor hath put into Cashaw a German guarrison but the [Bassa?] of Waradin hath sent to [Calo Sackmar Tokay?] and other strong holdes as far as the kingdom of Poland other Messengers to persuade them to pay the Annual Tribut for the preservation of those several strong holds and no ways to suffer themselves engaged in any War against the Turke. But at Vienna all the contrary meanes are concluded, to which effect several Ambassadors are dispatched. The [Marquese?]

Matthaj to Rome Count [Cobalto?] to Spain Count Strotsi into Fraunce besides some others to all the Electors Princes and States of the Empire. The Elector of Mentz hath in like manner written to all the Deputies of the Empire at Ratisbone exhorting them to Peace and Concord that they may bee the better able to withstand the Turkish Designes. Hee desires that all their forces may bee ready about the middle of March next. And that they would resolve to meete at [Noremberg?], to deliberat vnanimiter about this grand Affaire There is so much snow falln every where the like hath not beene known in the memory of Man. From Bresla we are advertised that the Transylvanian Resident there canot as yet beleeve the new's of the apostasie of the Transylvanian Mother and Prince they standing fast in the Protestant Profession when hee came from thence which was but lately. For it's reported that the 2. of October they made their Apostasy wheras the Resident was yet with them the 8. of October and since there is come some of the Evangelical Lords from [Patak?] that know's nothing of any such matter the Resident therfore entreates that wee would beleeve <as yet> no such matter, til himself should bee advertised of it from the Court. As for Prince Barzai hee hath

hee hath brought his Affaires to a very good passe For hee hath paid his Pension to the Turke, which amounted to 5. hundred thousand Rixdollars for which hee enioys his Peace and the Turke is obliged to defend him. Hee hath lately declared himselfe to a Protestant Earle, that if God shal confirme him in the present posession, hee would doe nothing but propagate the Glory of God and to protect and deliver all those that were oppressed; yea hee hath sworne hee would not only rid himself of all the Popish Clergy throughout his Dominions, but also banish all the Political Popish Lords out of all his Territories. The said Prince Barzaj is now in Transylvania. If hee had meanes, I verily beleeve hee would doe very great matters. But now - vana sine viribus ira - that excellent Country is so much exhausted that there is nothing more left. Not long agoe the Siculi Motori Ianusio Kemenio had gathered an Army against Barzay but they were totally defeated by him with the assistance of some Turkish forces. A Iesuit reported to mee of late that the Polonians had indeed obtained the Victory against the Muscovite <but> 9. thousand of them being <were> slaine <of them> on the place. More Particulars are daily expected. In February begins the Parliament in Poland, when will bee treated de Successore. I pray God that all things there may end peacably, this matter being very odious in itself. The Rex-Marshal [Prince?] Lubomirsky keepes yet the Crown in his handes. The talke as if the Emperors Brother were to bee adopted in filium Regis Poloniæ. The kings inclination goes much that way. but the Queen

Queen is of another mind. But something there is on foot that will bee shortly bee discovered. It caused great suspition that all the forces that have layen in [Pomorn?] are to bee brought to the confines of Polonia where they are enquartered. Many are of opinion that the Turkish War is a meere prætext to something else. The Lord in mercy looke vpon vs and turne [word deleted] away his wrath from all these Nations.

                Hamburg. Dec. 28. 1660.
There is an Expresse arrived from [Cracona?] to the City of Dantzigk sent by Secretary [H? altered] [Krause?] their Resident at the Court of Poland confirming the great Victory which the Polanders have received in the Vkraine against the Polanders. Seremet the Muscovian General hath yeelded himself with 2. thousand colours. But all the Particulars of this great Victory are not yet fully known. The Poles have an intention of mischiefe against the Elector of Brandenburg. They are also strongly endeavouring to make or conclude a firme Alliance with Sweden for which purpose and intent they expect an Extraordinary Ambassador from Sweden. The Sicknes in Prussia hath begun to decrease, but the Publick feares and distractions are many and as great as ever. You shal heare nothing but bitter complaints amongst the Common Peoples and that all Trade and Commerce is taken away. But the godly People are sensible of greater matters relating to Religion and that the Protestant Religion is in an extremity of danger to bee banished both out of Poland and out of Prussia. Some of the richer sort foreseeing the Evil are going away to hide themselves in some other Country. Truly [our?] the dangers in those Countries are very great. At Berlin there is very great want of Bread and [Beer?]. and much partiality is vsed towards the Professours of Reli-

gion so that the Lutherans are no more advanced to any Publick Charges which forces them to goe to other Countries. The Streame at Nordcoping in Sweden hath beene quite dryed vp so that many hundreds of People are gone drye-shod in it. But at last the streame returned with an extraordinary hideous noice which was heard above a Dutch League from the fore-said place. Many and extraordinary great Present are made ready at Stockholme for to bee given to the French Ambassador. They are said to amount to 16000. Rixdollars. The Acts of the Swedish Parliament would have beene published before this time but that the sad and heavy new's of the casting away of the Count of Schlippenbach have hindered the same. The Man of War that caried him and perished amounts to 60000. Rixdollars. The Court hath very much taken to heart so great a losse and all their time hath beene spent in choosen an other fit subject or Publick Person to bee sent into Poland <to conclude the Alliance> which is fallen vpon Count Benedict Oxensterne a very gallant Man which is shortly to take his journey by Lande As for the Muscovite if the Peace bee not concluded within a Month the War is to bee continued again with maine and might. The Muscovian Minister in Denmark makes great promise to that King if hee will enter an Alliance with his Master against Sweden. With the first open Water there is a Swedish Navy of 70. brave Men of War to bee put to Sea. It continues that in the last tempest the two [Coronels?] Peter and [Plautin?] with a number of Officers and 163. Persons more are cast away or drowned.