The Hartlib Papers

Title:Prescription For The Stone
Ref:14/5/36A-B: 36B BLANK

    For the stone in the kidneys probatum
Take the Rootes of Brooklyme, of Water Cresse, of Pelitore of the Wall, of Marsh Mallowes, stampe these Rootes, and take the ioice thereof, then take a quart of ale, and halfe a pint of whit wine, and make a posset take of a <the> curde, and mixe the ioice of the rootes therewith stirring it well together, and if any thing be hardish on the topp of the drinke take it of with a spoone then putt thereto two ounces of Althea, that is of Mallowes, drinke halfe a pinte hereof fasting, and 3. or 4. houres after diner or supper, this cured one that pist bloode. vse this drinke till you be well,