The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:5 April [1643]
Ref:13/299A-300B: 300B BLANK

Mr Hartlib;
          my occasions will keepe mee from London, yet this fortnight which time (I hope) will be the longeste; In the meane time <while> I haue heere inclosed that letter of Mr Duries (as ( I conceiue) which you desired; yf I haue missed I haue noe other of that kinde; my thowghts are not yet changed concerninge that good man, whome I still heartily heartily still wishe in England, bothe from my former knowledge &presente consideration of the place; from the latter whereof (except Mr Dury cowlde serue subordinate endes) &temporall relations more then he proposes to himselfe) my opinion still is he will venture to leese there where it concernes him to keepe beste holde, I meane the parliamente &his frinds there <in it> may whose consente to his being there may perhaps be for wante of a better present answere to his proposalls [left margin, running on to 13/299B]
A correspondency amonge the Protestant Churches &states were neuer more necessary &that Courte neuer more vnfit to be the seate &nurse to suche a busines; It sauors too muche of the Potentates, some one of whom

may perhaps by fits haue a generall [letters deleted] approbation of Mr Duries woorke, but after hauinge dwellt awhile vpon it; they cannot but see that order right order in the Churche &an aduancemente of religion &knowledge (the likely effectes of this Correspondency), as they haue, soe they still will, caste out the Ecclesiasticall &at the same time shake the Ciuill-Babylon; For certeinly they whoe dare play the Bereans in the concernements of theire soules, will not be <longe> fooled in the lesser, this made the Bishops soe muche for Sabboth recreations &the King nowe soe muche for Bishops. For thowgh it be not right noe Bishop noe King yet it may be possibly true noe Bishop noe suche kinde of King; For as the Ecclesiasticke &Ciuill Babylon haue growne soe will they fall together, but not by the Potentates whoe muste lamente her, but by the Peoples &nations, whoe will bury her in as muche darkenes as she hathe formerly kepte them; I pray in your nexte presente my beste affections to Mr Dury; whose answer to the laste parte of his letter concerning Methode I doe earnestly desire from him; I reste
                    Your very louing frind
                         Cheney Culpeper
April 5th

          To his very louinge
          Frinde Mr Hartlib
          at Dukes place
          these present
[Seal: CC monogram]