The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:4 April 1649
Ref:13/252A-253B: 252A BLANK

Mr Hartlib;
are discourses (when wee meete) are soe various, at as that I remember not the soe muche as the subjecte wee were vpon, when wee met at Sommerset house, but nexte weeke, I shall be in London; &then you may giue me the Q: of our discourse
I misse the two bookes which I lente to mr Woorsly, &(as I remember) he appointed to leaue them with you, I pray (yf you can) give me an accownte of them.
These forreigne aggreemente make me apprehende the woorste, nor can there be stronge opposition made by vs, yf not vnited; nor wee vnited, but in the Common Intereste, of Liberty &Iustice; nor that be obtained, soe longe as wee change, the persons onely, not the tyrranny; nor can wee hope to be ridde of tirranny, till men, that knowe howe to conquer others, can afterwards conquer &deny themselues; in the greatnes they haue gotte, nay (yf theire Cowntry call for it) in theire owne [letters deleted] safety [left margin, on to

] but, durus este hic sermo; &therefore I thincke that there are more calamities to succeede, &that those that will not b woorke by vnion of Interestes, &by justice, will (thowgh with difficulty &bloode) Follow some that haue gone before; For the stone will not leaue rollinge &the woorke of God will aduance, eyther by, or vpon those that intereste themselues in it
                         Your affectionate frind
                              Cheney Culpeper.
Apri: 4th

          For Mr Hartlib
          at Dukes place