The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:12 January 1647
Ref:13/159A-160B: 160A BLANK

Mr Hartlib;
          I hope my apprehensions of the presente affayres, cannot hinder me from a right conceiuinge of suche thinges as you shall write; truly my wishes are noe other then that the Scotte &Presbiterian, wowlde haue allowed to others, what they heeretofore thowght reasonable &due from others, &that (for th'ingrossinge that very tyrany to them selues which they formerly condemned, in others) they wowlde not haue made a rente with those their Brethren, by whoses indeauors &Gods speciall blessinge on them, they might haue injoyed those victoryes &the effects of them for which they publikely thanked God thowgh at the same time they hated the instruments; nowe that passions are stirred vp, God onely knowes what will be the euente;
Mr Dausons windinge of brambles about trees is practised in 100: places

within 4: miles of this house &whashinge of trees with water wherein the garbage of a rabbit hathe beene put (which I holde to stande vpon the same reason; as lime &dogges dung) w was written &directed in that receipte which I had transcribed laste springe; This beinge the truthe I hope againe that Mr Dauson will not be angry yf I accownte not his directions newe; I doe thancke him howeuer for them
The carier is gone
                         Your affectionate frind
Jan: 12:

          For Mr Hartlib