The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:23 February [1646?]
Ref:13/131A: 132A BLANK

Mr Hartlib;
          Together with your letter (by the Carrier laste weeke) I receiued di an accownte that my Father wowlde bee in the Cowntry, as too day or on thursday &that he wowlde haue me stay for him heere; This is the occasion of my not beinge in London till some time nexte weeke
The mayde will (I hope) finally giue contente, yf shee <can> receiue it; Shee hathe (by her discowrse) liued m in marchantes, &Cowrtiers seruices, bothe which kinde of men (eyther from theire humor or Callinge) doe laye themselues forthe muche more then the Cowntry gentlemen; especially humbled (as wee are) by these times; That which wee thancke God for, seemes (I perceiue) small in her eyes, which I impute, not to her minde, but to her former places of hi life; where euery thinge hathe beene (by her relation) more magnificente, then eyther dothe agree with my presente fortune or will heereafter with my humor, but of this more vpon better acquaintance, for the presente, I conceiue her cheery, plyante yet, &(in relation to her charge) of suche disposition as I like
Truly I neuer apprehended howe my Lord Lysle was designed for Irelande; nor can I

nowe apprehende, any grownde for suche a change, as your letter mentions; yf it rise out of the House of Commons I shall be apte to thincke that Intereste carries it on; for I neuer conceiued the man of that raysed spirite as to be eminently eyther good or ill
I am sorry for the Kings carriage towards our Commissioners, thowgh truly it agrees with my expectation, &driues on to those concernements of monarchy and liberty of Conscience, &(in a woorde) to that downefall of Ciuill &Ecclesiasticall Babilon as I still looke for
I am moste heartily sorry for Mr Duryes thowght of returne to his graue, but I hope (by Gods blessinge) for a quicke ressurection; I pray remember him from me of his promises mentioned in my laste; that (in his absence) yf wee muste loose him) we may be doinge; thowgh perhaps wee shall not see the corne come vp vp
I haue done somethinge lately according to Mr Woorslyes laste directions, &shall (ere it be longe) doe more
My humble deuoyrs to that Excellent Lady at Westminster to Mr D &Mrs Dury &to Mr Woorsly; Yf Captain Westro be in towne, I pray inuite him to giue me an answer; Remember me in the ouen for boylinge, bakinge et cæt
[left margin:]
                    Your affectionate seruant
                         Cheney Culpeper
Feb: 23th
My Wife's &my owne kindeste
respectes to Mrs Hartlib: I pray

          For Mr Hartlib
          in Dukes place
[Seal: snail]