The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:4 February 1645
Ref:13/71A-72A: 72B BLANK

Mr Hartlib
          ; You will receiue with this by the carrier a boxe; I heartily intreate you vpon the receipte of it, to goe to one Mr Boyers a linnen draper in Cheapside; &(yf my Brother Cage be not gone out the [letters deleted] towne) to lett him knowe you haue a boxe which vpon sight of an indented Counterpart agreinge with this inclosed you are to deliuer to him; Yf my Brother Cage showlde be gone out of towne, you will then finde Mr Boyer (by directions from the Cowntry) ready to sende you another boxe to your house, which I shall intreate you to de receiue &keepe <with the firste> for me till I giue farther directions; you see howe my pouerty makes me trowblesome to my frindes, but I shall be allways [left margin:] ready to acknowledge your kindenes &remaine,
                    Your very louing frind
Febr: 4:th

I pray afforde me a woorde
or two of this busines by the
Carrier whether you haue receiued
&deliuered the boxe, or that bothe
remaine safe in in your custody
I hartily thanke you for your
weekely newes
The knot of the corde
on the boxe is seale with
my ordinary seale

     To Mr Hartlib at
          Dukes place
          with a boxe
[Seal: snail]