The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib
Dating:3 December 1643
Ref:13/17A-18B: 18B BLANK

Mr Hartlib
          ; Yf immediately vpon the receipte of this letter you directe an answere to the swanne in Grauesende soe that it may be there eyther by the night or morninge tyde I will sende on purpose for it on tuesday;
I pray afoorde me what accownt you can of the Scottes &of Sir William Waller, &howe muche of the reporte of his victory is true; &what it amown amownts to
I am sorry Mr Feltons inventions aduance not; You will exs excuse me that I feare he dothe too muche hugge them &himselfe in them; For my selfe yf my woorde be not as good [left margin, on to

] as my oathe, I am vnwoorthy to knowe them; &in truthe I am not otherwise desirous of it, then as I shall be thowght . vsefull in aduancinge it &the publique in it; my loue I pray to him &to yourselfe the best wishes of
                    Your very louing frind
                         Cheney Culpeper
10:ber 3:d

          To his very louinge
          Frind Mr Hartlib
          at his house in
               Dukes place
          As soone as you come
               to London
[Seal: snail]