The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy In Dury'S Hand, Order Sought By Hugh L'Amy &Peter Le Pruvost
Notes:Similar versions at 12/33 (French) and 12/125, 178, 181 (English); see also 12/118, 126, 127.

[Dury's hand:]
Wheras Hugh lamy hath proposed a new improouement of Husbandry, &dressing of seuerall fishes; to make the same more salable &profitable for the great benefit of the public &of particulars; &especially to come by this meanes to the building &entertaining in ordinary of six &thertie shippes of foure hundreth tonnes, &of six &thertie pinnaces of one hundreth &fiftie tonnes, to bee alwayes without distraction &in a particular manner ordinarily employed, for to guarde the Coasts of this Kingdome, &to bee Convoyes &guardes for fishers &merchand shippes.
It hath been &is ordained by the Lords &Commons assembled in Parliament, that the said LAmy with his associats shall put into full execution the propositions which he hath made; by the wayes which are most expedient for the ende proposed: &that all such as shall practise the said improouement of husbandrie shall haue the priuiledge &right to be preferred in &to all contracts of hauing &holding fermes of Lands, in all the shires of this Kingdome &of the Dominion of Wales; &that in regard of the public good aduanced by them. Moreouer that all such as shall practise the said dressing of fishes aforesaid; shall content themselues with the yearly profit of thirty in the hundreth; &shall cast up their accounts together without deceit &employe faithfully &conscionablely the ouerplus for the conveniencie &relief of the poore, according to the intent of the foresaid propositions. And expresse prohibition is made, to all persons of what Condition &qualitie soeuer, to intrude themselues, or to attempt the practise of the said improouement of husbandrie and dressing of the said fishes, unlesse it bee upon [catchword: the]

the conditions proposed by the said LAmy; &by making <the tenor of> an authentick declaration to that effect according to the ordinance; &all under the penaltie of the Confiscation æt: &of 1000 lib sterling fine; wherof one third shall come to the state, another third to the poore, &the last third unto the delator.
Moreouer the full ratification of the more particular conditions proposed, &to bee proposed by the said Lamy, for shall bee proceeded unto &publicly aduanced as shall bee agreable to the will of God &reason, for the facilitating &establishment of these purposes towards the public &particular good, &chiefly for the building &entertainement of the foresaid shippes according to the proposall of the said LAmy; seeing he doth with his associats first submit himself to the obseruing of the Conditions.
And to these endes are deputed, for to bee a standing Committee is appointed of these persons &c.
who shall haue full power, to Authorize the settlement &practise of the said improouement of husbandrie &dressing of the said fishes according to the Conditions proposed &ordained; for the full &stable execution &obseruation therof.