The Hartlib Papers

Title:News From The Continent, ? To Hartlib, In German And English

[Hagiensi?] seine zeitung bleiben aus. Werden ohne zweiffel kommen wan dieser brieff weg ist, vnd dan wirds [2? words illeg.] sein. Es scheinet dz des grossen [schnees?] halben die wagen nicht fort kommen. [2? words illeg.] schreiben sahe ich in Hague. War nichts drinnen als
 1. The Courte at Collen begins to doubt of Saxons peace.
 2   The Liguistish armie [in?] marching towards [te?] Westerwald did consiste of 8 regiments foote, et 13 regiments horse.
 3. Duke Newburg beeing not able to get any mony or contributioon from his subjects hee commaunded all his rentmasters et the like officers to lend him a certaine some of mony, or if not hee would cashier them or take away from them their office.

 A Monsieur
Monsieur Samuel Hartlib
 to bee delivered at
 Mr Bournes shop
 neare the royall
[overwritten in another hand:] [3 S B1: 4?]
[below address, another hand:] [193?]