The Hartlib Papers

Title:News From The Continent, In German, Latin And English
Dating:17 March 1636

Diese woche haben wier 2 mahl schreiben gehabt vom H, dz erste vom 19 dz ander vom 26 febr.
1 The captaines at Zea, put in prison laste sommer for their ill service against the Duynkerkes, have now received their sentence. Hee that was admirall is to bee prisoner at the house of Lovenstein for 25 yeer. Two others are bannished out of the countrie, et the rest deprived of their office are set free.
2. Now there is great agitation about the things at Zea how to make a reformation of the admiralitie. Some advice that the gouvernement of Zea-affaires shall bee given to the westIndian companie, as beeing well provided with ships: others that it shall bee given to the merchants under the meanaging of the directours, so called: others that every towne shall take upon her to keep et furnish so or so many ships: others that the colledge of admiraltie shall remaine as hetherto, et only bee reformed from abuses. Nothing is as yet decreed.
3. All the provinces are now collecting et taking up mony for the warre next yeer.
4 Reports[altered] are strong that King of France coms with 30000 foot et 17000 horse to the countrie of Luik, et that therefore the Imperialists are retiring out of it.
5. It is said that for the psente are with emperour ambassadours of 6 Kings (: vz. Dennem. Sweden, Polen, Engl. Frank et Venice:) unanimously sollociting that Emperour shall restore

Germanie into that state in which it was when hee received the crowne.
6. A chief man told mee to day that hee had seen a letter of the Landgr. of Hassia his owne hand writing that hee was in treatie with emperour not only concerning himselfe but allso concerning all them of the reformed religion, et that hee was com so farre as that it dependeth only on the[altered] emperours ratification. Hee added that the Hanse townes hade accepted Saxons peace with this condition, not to bee forced to warre against any forrain potentate.
7. Letters of Worms write 1. that at Spire all the magistrate is put to prison untill the towne pay to the souldiers 50000 fl. [word deleted] 2 that those of Wormbs must pay the fift parte of their wine et corne 3 that the forces from the Wetteraw are all drawing towards Saxonie et Wesphalia, et that therby Hanaw guets some respiration.
audio [quod?] vestri Zeldeni mare clausum refutandum commisum sit nostro Cunæo et quibusdam alijs. Ad me [quod?] attinet, valedixi laboribus in eccl. Anglic. et privatus vivo, post [pasha?] nuptias sine festo celebraturus. Unde jam sumemus panem, ut per annum, si ita opus sit, privatus esse possim? Deus providebit. Vale et saluta familiam. 17 Mart. 1636.