The Hartlib Papers

Title:News From The Continent, In German, Latin And English
Dating:19 October 1634
Notes:11/1/6A ends in middle of word and continuation appears to be missing.

I. Brussell: The Spanish did much urge Monsieur de France to put fort a declaration against the sentence giuen by the Parliamente at Paris against his[altered] mariage, as allso to put fort the reasons of his aboad in the low-contries, yea caused to bee sete up a forme of such declaration et Monsieur to subscribe, but hee refused, et his people giue oute that hee is not to subscribe or undertake any thing that is against Cardinall Richlieu, which every one wunders at. All the Frenshmen are very tædious of this place, as allso the Spaniards <et Citizens> of them, et dayly grow et com forth new jealousies et pasquills. The daye before when bonnefiers were to bee made ouer the victories in germanie, psidente Rosa did admonish Monsieur to take heed, that not some effronte might happen unto him in this solemnitie, wherefore hee made readie his horse et seemed to intend to goe away. But yet that day passed quietly. At laste the 8 of this month Monsieur wente oute with aboute 30 Frenshmen for to hunte foxes, but beeing come into the roome fieldes, hee begins to runne with all his suite the way to Fraunce, et came at night into the first towne of it called Cappella, where first hee was refused, but after shewing a passport of King Fraunce was admitted et well entertained, et so passed further to the King his brother. They runne so quickly that there died 8 horses[altered] of his suite. Of this tiding both his mother et his wife fell sike in <an> ague, but the next day a messenger comming from him did comforte them againe. Allso Marquis Aitona send to his wife, to giue her good comfort, et that shee was in protection of King Spaine, et should nothing worse bee entertained for that sake. Hee assured, that if hee had but known a littel of Monsieur his intention, hee would haue convayed him till unto the borders of Fraunce, et then said him à Dÿeu. Der vogell is ausgeflogen.
II The prince of Orange came into the Hague at friday night. The cavallerie is at Venlo, the Infanterie in the next townes, et the new leavied Wartgelders are [word deleted] <abgedanckt>.   The enemie allso makes readie for guarrison, excepte that some troupes of them are in Luxembourg waiting for the Cardinall.
III. Duke Newbourgh is not yet enemie, neither can hee become neutrall, but hangs in treaties, et because the Liguistish will not grante neutralitie, therefore hee himselfe is to goe to the Empereur, et then to resolve.
IV. Mansfeld having spoken at Namour with Marquis Aitona gote frome him 6 peeces of ordinance et some Spanish troupes, et so begane to marche towards the countrie of Liege, desiring from that magistrate a passage neare their towne et victels[altered?] for 10000 men, making no mention of paymente. They answered first that without congregation of all the states so much provision could not bee granted, et that concerning the passage they would shew him an other which was not so neare to their towne, desiring him to goe that way. Mansfeld hauing no stomacke to it, those of Liege psently armed 12000 men et would compelle him to doe so. Hee therefore beginning that way to marche those of Liege wente hom againe. But after this Mansfeld againe returnes, wheruppon psently there came in weapons 10000 citiziens et 30000 boores. After this Mansfeld against opinion of every one suddenly came backe towards the countrie of Guligh, where having pillaged some townes hee in person came to Collne, et there makes readie for his departure againe, no body knowing of his run- + + +

Mein leztes war am 12 Octobr. st. n. darauff ich des H. seins vom 26 Sept. richtig empfangen. Ich size noch vor wie nach in verwürrunge. Die Peste nimbt alhier sehr überhandt, vnd ist bereit vnser nechster nachbar geworden. Ist also keine hoffnung von meiner discipull wiederkunfft. Sie dringen zu ihnen in den Hage zu kommen. Aber in ihren hause zu leben. Werde morgen geliebts Gott wieder hin vnd sehen wie ich mit ihnen handele. Der H. schicket ich solle mich auff meine meditationes legen, so wolle er alsdan vff mittell bedacht sein. Aber ich habe zuvor geschrieben, dz ich mit keinem ernst dran kommen kan, so lang ich noch keiner mittell versichert vndt meine zeit andern vor ein bis von brot imployiren mus. Es ist hier aus der massen tewer leben, vndt veis des Iahres mit brieffen kleidern vnd allem vnterhalt vnter 40 llb nicht zuzukommen. Aber were ich nur vff ein halb Iahr providieret, würde alsdan weiter rathen. Ia were ich nur in einer sichern bestòndigen [pardagie?] dz ich nur 2 oder 3 stunden des tages zu studieren frey hette, könte doch noch wz thun. Werde ihm über 8 tage schreiben wie [deletion] <es> im Hage ableufft. <left margin: Mons. Schlöer grüsset den H. ist sehr kranck lang gewesen scheinet wird woll drauff gehen.> Herr Berger ist noch nicht kommen. Cornum ist auch noch nicht weg. Ob keine exempl. theoriæ vff die messe kommen kan ich nicht wissen. Alzeit hab ich 150 vff die condition den Lawrentio zu Amsterdam überlassen. H. Pöhmers didact. historic. hab ich wol durchlesen. Meum judicium est, duplicem esse studij [historjci? altered] cursum, vz. per copiam et per [autographum? altered] Per Copiam, i.e. per compendium ex autoribus congestum. Hoc puerorum est, et [inculcatur? altered] partim Latinitalis causâ, partim ad historiæ pelagus certis quasi catenis seu certâ methodo comprehendendum et [soligendum? altered], partim denique ad ingenerandos primos conceptus reales ingenio puerili. Cum a. jam <left margin: ex hac semente> judicium crescit, tum demum studium historicum debet per autographum fieri, i.e. per lectionem ipsorum autorum, et transferri ad locos et usus disciplinares, quemadmodum ibi â Domino Pömero suadetur. Hoc a. ut fieri possit, non opus est aphorismorum selectione, sed opera danda, ut ante istius lectionis initium discenti[altered] perfectè inprimatur systema politicum, ut norit omnes controversias, omnes canones, omnia problemeta politica, quæ in <H: consiliis> discursibus, colloquiis, epistolis etc. <H: [tradenda?]> probanda, refutanda, declaranda etc. Venire possunt. Si quis hoc sibi systema rectè impressit, et eius est ætatis ut possit historias legere cum judicio, is alia non eget instructione <left margin: nisi quo scio Richteri axiomata esse satis commoda ad monstrandum incipiendi hujus judicij modum atque Viam> Ich wünsche sehr dermahl eins occasionem docendo politicam zu haben, vnd obiter von solches systema meo more et modo zu collogieren. Wan der H. wieder schreibet, wolle er seine brieffe dirigieren, ins GraffenHage ten huise van Myn Herr Albert Sonck Ridder etc. woonende int Voorhoul. Ich werde doch gewis hier etliche[altered] zeit bleiben müssen. Si quod vis pecuniæ mittere, Velim antè significes quantum. Putem enim me posse habere occasionem recipiendj[altered] abque detrimento foenoris seu [cantus?]. Es ist hier über all betrübnüs im lande, wegen der allenthalben regierenden mancherley Kranckheiten vndt sterbens [tropffen?] q paci adsuetos homines valde [terrentur?]. Accedunt prodigia q passim conspecta terrori sunt, præsertim copiosi ignes nocturnis temporibus ubique delabuntur ex aëre: V. Remember mee to your wife, et tell mee whether it is not time with her to goe to bedde? childe bedde i meane. Saluta et cæteros, et quod aget
Dn. Stalman narra V: 19 October 1634.