The Hartlib Papers

Title:Defectus Et Desiderata Physica, Etc., Part 3, Hartlib'S Hand:
Ref:British Library Sloane MSS 638 ff. 91A-95B: 91B, 92B, 94B BLANK.
Notes:Document divided between 3 files (Sloane MSS 638 ff. 60A-95B)


Lippj Inuentio Musica examinanda et perficienda.


                    Claudin Le Ieune
A French man which made 12 Moodes of Harmonie vpon 12 seueral Psalmes, wherin the Harmony is said to expres the sense et matter so neere as Art can come.
The best that euer was extant. et admired by all Italians et Others. These Mr Durie translated. in the selfe same measure et meeter. Et will shortly bee printed in English.


[left column]
     Th. Elenchticæ.
- q. contra Botsaccum scribo spero [non?] fore tam inutilia pcipua impedimenta Pacis discutiuntur et
     Meus quem cupio disputandi Modus claro exemplo illustratur.
------------------------- Streso. 1634. 24 Aug.
Mr. White Mr. Benn of Dorchester their special eminency is in Raising of doctrines et so were first to perfect [Vtres?] Cælest. or Eman.scripturarum Verul.
     Desid. contra Atheis.
Von Dr Hoe schrift habe ich dem H. allerley suspiciones berichtet. Dz aber der H. der jalousie zwischen Sachsen vnd Pfaltz gedencket ist nicht ohne dz ein ptextus Relgionis bey den Pöfel viel thun kan. Vnd haben sich dieses stuckleins zu ihrem vortheil nicht allein die Heiden mit ihren angestelten Oraculis sondern auch vnter vnsern Atheopolitischen Christen gar viel jederzeit [wissen?] zugebrauchen. Man lasze Historiam Constantinopolitanam [Phocæ?] auch des leichtfertigen Palæologi, vber alle aber ist hirzu ausbundig dz Furtrefliche buch Pet. Soare siue Pauli Servitæ Historia [right column] Concilii Tridentini da man den rechten Atheismum Politicum sonderlich Pontificiorum also mit hònden greift vt qui ne his quidem moveri possit vt execretur ejusmodi Politicam et ad absolutum despoticum dominium excogitatam Religionem ille [Anticyrus?] relegandus sit [vt ib/?] helleborum assumat. Wie mir dan ein furnehmer Politicus Mediolanensis der Iesuiten omnia Institutu dermassen erklòrt vt tantum ad hunc finem facientia. Aber ich kan diese materi in einem brieffe nit pro dignitate rej tractiren. Ich wolte aber einmal wan ich mussig [were?] ex Omni Antiquitate et Recenti Memoria beweisen dz Religio zu jederzeit von den weisten vnd vornemsten leuten nur als ein Vinculum ad religandos animos Multitudinis ad obedientiam Politicam vnd also pro Instrumento Tyrannidis [were?] gehalten vnd gebraucht worden. Wie noch heut die Inquisition vnd daher kommt bey klugen leuten der Atheismus - dessen

Causæ v. Rationes weiter auszufuhren gelòrte leute sonderlich iezund sich angelegen sein lassen solten. [Pos?] ─────────────────── 1624. 23 Aug. ─────────────────────


                    CATALogue of false Errata [illeg.]
[left column]
Wee are not Angels.
No man can bee perfect in his life.
A little breakes no square.
God workes no Miracles now adaies.
A yong Saint an old Diuel.
Caueat Emptor. Let the buyer looke to it
All that the Minister can teach vs is [deletion] but to Loue God et our Neighbour.
A man may doe to his owne what hee list.
Euery one for himself et God for vs all.
      Ex. Conc. [...dder?] [Latal.?] of full Principl.
1. Corupt Reason. 2. Rules of Art.
3. Diuine Reuelation.
4. Apostolical Tradition.
5. Miracles.
6. Antiquity et Custome.
7. Exampels.
8. Seeming Necessity.
9. Humane Authority.
10 False Experience.
[right column]
Ministerii. Catalogus Peccatorum
Neglectus et Ignorantia studii Casualis et [practise?]
Contemptus Ministerii.
Contemtus Ordinis scholasticj.
nos ille corruptus scribendi harmonia Gratulatoria [illeg.] tam impia et horrendè [illeg.]


               A Catalogue of All the false
               THEORETICaL et Practical
               To Perfect the project of dykes
[left column]
Dub. de drexelj libro de Bona Intentione. If it bee not serviceable for many vses in this worke.
Here largly to bee handled et added
1. To Exercise et study Piety by way of Projecting.
2. The difference betwixt Ministerial et sauing graces not only of the Ministers but also of the people.
Strangers et Trauellers to bee entreated to obserue them.
Mr Damport wishes their might bee a bare Catalogue gathered of them. esp Of All the Atheistical et Profane Prouerbs in which the cheefest strength of the common peoples reasoning lies. Which counsel hee also imparted to a Minister in the Northerne Parts Mr Stanton
(who afterwards gathered a whole Booke of them.)
So That after hee had preached [right column] et conuinced them that there is a God. 2. et that the Script. are the word of God hee started fall vpon all their Country et common Prouerbs, fitting them also with contrary Prouerbs out of the Scripture. Et so refuting et [opposing?] Prouerb to Prouerb. For the wisdome of God is notably seene euen in this in [illeg.] Prouerbs [almost?] for against euery false et corrupt Principle As it is better to receiue etc. Godlines is gaine. etc. which also hee did with great succes.
     Perkins hase something of this in his Principles
     Et in a [2 words illeg.]
Also the bookes Pathway to Heaven et the Country [illeg.]


[this page very faded]
[left column]
So Mr Scadders Sermon preached in [Colman?] street about selfe denial.
The way to gathere them et to find them out is in their merrier meetings in their Table talke. Recreat. field labors. etc.
     Et so dykes Mysterie of selfe-deceiuing might bee enlarged.
Et so [Vines?] Counsel is that Children bee posessed with true Principles both Theoretical et [practical]. Et Mr Duries Q. annexed to the Louer of the Reformat.
An non inter alias Meditationes foret vtiliss. de omnium sectar Coriphæis, et illis quibus inuicem differunt et [nituntur?] Principiis cogitatem suscipere, illa judicare, discernere inter se, cum Euangelica Veritate conferre vt quid fundamento sit [propinquum?] [aut?] remotum magis [palam?] fuit omnibus? Et anon hac Meditatio foret ad sedandus Controversias et [illeg.] stabiliendum necessaria?
The Like j desire of Mr [Speed?] [right column] at Chichester to set downe how that project Mysterium Iniquitatis [x?]do-Euangelicæ might bee improoued so that a larger deceit in the forme of Godlines may bee found out. NB.
     Besides this kind of Preaching will bee sold as a Nouelty et so hold in suspense the Auditory et catch them.
Not only [] which are best for the Country, but also [other?] false Principles et reasonings et [high?] [Imaginations?] et strong [illeg.] wherby men cast off the the [illeg.] of Christ. The reasonings false [illeg.] Natural men. etc.
     Mr Hooker [excellent?] in this as likewise Mr speed et his brother. vide [illeg.]