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cles. MarginaliaThe crosse here is not taken for the materiall crosse of woode: but for the māner of deth vpon the cros which death was to him welcome.He said O crosse most welcome & long loked for wt a willyng mind, ioyfully and desirously I come to thee, being þe scholer of him which did hang on thee: Because I haue bene alwaies thy louer and haue coueted to embrace thee. So beinge crucified hee yelded vp the ghoste & fel on slepe, the day before the callendes of December.

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MarginaliaSainte Mathew thapostle slaine with a spere
Hier. li de vsris illust
Ex Ioann. de mōte regali.
Mathew otherwise named Leui, first of a publicane made an Apostle, wrote his Gospell to the Iewes in the Hebrewe tonge, as sayth Hierome. Lib. De viris illust. After that he had conuerted to the faith Ethiope and al Egipt, Hircanus their king sent one to runne him thorowe with a speare, as writeth, the forenamed. Ioan. de Monte Regali.

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MarginaliaMathias the apostle, stoned & headed.The same autor likewise testifieth of Mathias, that after he had preached to the Iewes, at length he was stoned and beheaded.

MarginaliaPhillip the apostle crucified
Ex Isido. li. de patribus noui testam.
Philippus the holy Apostle, after he had much laboured amonge the barbarous nations, in preaching the worde of saluation to them. At length he suffered as the other Apostles did, in Hierapolis a citie of Phrygia, being there crucified and stoned to death, where also hee was buried, and his daughters also with him. Isido.

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¶ Of Iames the brother of the Lord, thus we read in the storye of Clement and of Egesippus.

MarginaliaIames byshop of HierusalemAFter that Festus had sente the Apostle Paule vnto Rome after his appellation made at Cesaria, and that the Iewes by the means thereof had lost their hope of performing their malitious vow against him conceiued, they fell vpon Iames the brother of our Lorde, who was bishoppe at Ierusalem, againste whom they being bent with like malice, brought him foorth before them and required him to denye before all the people the fayth of Christe. But he otherwise then they all loked for, frely and with a greater constancy before all the multitude confessed Iesus to be the sonne of God, our sauior, and our lord. Wherupō they not being able to abide the testimony of this man any longer, because he was thought to be the iustest among al, for the highnes of diuine wisedome, and godlines whiche in lyuing he declared, they killed him, finding þe more oportunity to accomplish their mischief, because þe kingdome þe same time was vacant. For Festus being dead in Iewrye, the administration of that prouince was destitute of a ruler, and a debity. But after what maner Iames was killed the words of Clement do declare, MarginaliaEx Clemēte.which writeth that he was cast down from the pinacle of the temple, and beinge smitten with the instrument of a fuller was slayne, but Egesippus whiche liued in the time next after the Apostles, describeth this cause diligently in his fift cōmentary after this maner as foloweth.

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MarginaliaEx Egesippo in 5. cōmentario.Iames the brother of our Lorde tooke in hande to gouerne the church after the apostles (being counted of al men frō þe time of our lord to be a iuste & perfect man.) Many and diuers other Iameses there wer beside him, but this was borne holly from his mothers wombe, he dronke no wine, nor any stronge drinke, neither did he eate any liuing creature, the rasor neuer came vpon his head, he was not anointed with oyle, neither did he vse bathe, to him onely was it lawful to enter into the holy place, neither was he clothed wt wollē cloth, but wt silke, and he onely entred into the temple, fallinge vpon his knees, asking remission for the people, so that his knees by oft kneeling, lost the sence of feeling, being benūmed and hardned like þe knees of a Camel. He was (for worshipping God and desiring forgeuenes for þe people) called iust, & for þe excellencie of his iustice named Oblias, which (if you do interprete it) is the sauegard, and iustice of the people as þe prophets declare of him: therfore whē as many of þe heretikes which wer among þe people asked hym what manner of doore Iesus should be, he answered that he was the sauiour. Wherof some do beleue him to be Iesus Christ, but the aforsayde heretikesneither beleue þe resurrection, neither þt any shal come, which shall render vnto euerye man accordinge to his workes, MarginaliaApoc. 22.but as many as beleue, they beleued for Iames cause. Whē was many therfore of the princes did beleue, there was a tumult made of þe scribes, Iewes, and Pharises, saying: it is daūgerous least that all the people do looke for thys Iesus, as for Christ, therefore they gathered themselues together and sayd vnto Iames: We besech thee restrain the people, for they beleue in Iesus, as though he were Christ. We pray thee perswade them al which come vnto the feast of the passeouer of Iesus, for we are all obedient vnto thee, and all the people do testefie of thee that thou art iust, nether that thou dost accept the person of any mā, therfore perswade the people that they be not deceiued in Iesus, and all the people, and we will obey thee, therfore stand vpon the piller of the temple that thou mayest be seene from aboue, and that thy woordes maye be perceaued of all the people, for to this passeouer all the tribes doe come with all the countrey. And thus the forenamed Scribes, and Phariseis did set Iames vpon the battelmentes of the church, and they cryed vnto hym and sayd, thou iuste man whom all we ought to obey, because thys people is led after Iesus, which is crucified, tell what is the doore of Iesus crucified: and he answered with a great voyce, what doe you aske me of Iesus the sonne of man, seing that he sitteth on the ryght hand of God in heauen, and shall come in the cloudes of the sky? But when many wer perswaded of thys, they gloryfied God vpon the witnes of Iames, and sayd: Osanna in the highest to the sonne of Dauid. Then the Scribes, and the Phariseis said among themselues, we haue done euil þt we haue caused such a testimonye of Iesus. But let vs goe vp and let vs take him, that they being compelled with feare, may denye that fayth. And they cryed out saying: O, O, this iuste man also is seduced, and they filfilled that Scripture which is spoken of in Esaye. MarginaliaCap. 3.Let vs take away the iuste man, because he is not profitable for vs: Wherefore let them eate the fruites of theyr workes. Therfore they went vp to throwe downe the iuste man, and sayd among themselues: let vs stone thys iuste man Iames, and they toke hym to smyte him with stones, for he was not yet dead when he was caste downe, but he turning fell down vpon hys knees, saying: O Lorde God, Father, I beseche thee forgeue them, for they know not what they do. MarginaliaLuk. 23.But when they had smitten hym with stones, one of the priests of the children of Rechas, the sonne of Charobim spake to them the testimonye which is in Ieremye the Prophet: leaue of, what doe ye? The iuste man prayeth for you. And one of those which were present, tooke a Fullers instrument, wherwith they did vse to beate and purge clothe, and smote the iuste man on hys head, and so he finished his Martyrdome, and they buried hym in the same place, and his piller abideth yet by the temple. He was a true testimony to the Iewes and to the Gentils. And shortly after Vespasianus the Emperour destroying the land of Iewrie, brought them into captiuitie. These thinges being thus writtē at large of Egesippus, do well agree to those which Clemente did write of hym. This Iames was so notable a man, that for hys iustice he was had in honour of all men, insomuch that the wise mē of the Iewes shortly after his Martirdome did impute the cause of the besieging of Ierusalem and other calamities which happened vnto them, to no other cause, but vnto þe violence and iniurie done to this man. Also Iosephus hath not left this out of his history, where he speaketh of hym after this manner: These thinges so chaunced vnto the Iewes for a vengeaunce because of that iuste man Iames which was the brother of Iesu, whom they called Christ, for the Iewes killed hym although he was a ryghteous man. The same Iosephus declareth his death in þe same booke and chapter saying:

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