Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry. 3. Strife among Monkes. The viage of prince Edward. Actes and Mon. of the church.

seching in no wyse to admitte the election of the foresaid monkes. And so passing to Douer with Henry the sonne of Rich. his vncle king of Romanes, with their wiues tooke their passage in the moneth of August. MarginaliaAdam Chilindene goeth vp to Rome.After thys the Prior thus elected, as is foretolde, but not admitted by the king to be archb. went vp to Rome.

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In the meane time, the monkes (in the absence of their elect) ordayned one Geoffrey Pomenall to be their officiall: MarginaliaVariance betwene the officiall of Cant. and the priour of Douer.who seing himselfe aduaunsed to that dignitie, and bearing belike some olde grudge agaynst the Priour of Douer, caused him to be cited vp to appeare in the chapterhouse of Cant. The Prior of Douer seing this citation to be preiudiciall to him and to the church of Douer, where as the monkes of Cant. haue noe such iurisdictiō (the see of Cant. being vancant) but that all things appertayning to that church, ought to be reserued whole to þe consecratiō of the new archb. MarginaliaAppellation to Rome.therfore, for the state both of him & of his church, he appealed vp also vnto Rome. But to returne to the Archbishop agayne.

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MarginaliaAdam Chelindon resigneth to the pope.
Rob. Kiswarby archb. of Cant.
The second yere after, Adam Chilindene the foresaid Archb. electe, remayning all this while at Rome: at laste resigned vp his election to þe popes hand, being Gregory 10. who thē gaue the same to Robert Kylwardby. Who thē cōming to Douer, restored again þe Prior of þt house being before excluded vpō certain causes. By these contētions iudge, good reader, of the religion of these mē, & of these times. And now to returne to our former story.

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About which tyme came out the great cōcordācies by an Englsh frier, called Ihon Derninghton. Ex Eulogio.

It was aboue declared, how a generall viage being proclaimed to warre agaynst the Turkes, & a subsidie being collected in Englād vpon þe same: prince Edward with other was appoynted to take their viage, and nowe were onward in their iourney. Who at Michaelmas folowing, with his company came to Egermorth, which is from Marsilius viij. leages westward: and ther taking ship againe (hauing a merye wynde and prosperous) wythin. 10. dayes ariued at Sunes Tunicium, where he was with great ioy welcommed and intertayned of the Christian princes that there were to this purpose assembled, as of Philip the French king, whose father Ludouicus, died a litle before: of Charolus the king of Sicilia: and the two kings of Nauer & Arragon. And as this lord Edward came thether for his father þe king of Englād, thether came also Hēry the sōne of the king of Almain for his father: who at his return frō þt viage, was slain in a chappel at Viterbiū, as you heard before.

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When prince Edward demaunded of these kynges and princes what was to be done, they answered him agayne and sayd: The prince of this City sayd they, and the prouince adioyning to the same, hath bene accustomed to pay tribute vnto the king of Sicile euery yeare. And now, for that the same hath bene for the space of. vij yeares vnpayed and more, therfore we thought good to make inuasion vpon hym. But the kyng knowing the same tribute to be but iustly demaunded, hath now according to our own desires satisfied for the tyme past, and also payed hys tribute before hand.

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MarginaliaThe great expedition to inuade the turke stayed by the concludyng of a peace.
The great vyage of the French king against the Turkes, turned to a mony matter.
Then sayd he: My Lordes what is this to the purpose? Are we not here all assembled, and haue taken vpon vs the Lordes Caracter to fight agaynst the infidels and enemyes of Christ? what meane you then to conclude a peace with them. God forbyd we should do so: for nowe the land is playne and hard, so that we may approch the holie citie Ierusalem. Then sayd they, now haue we made a leage with them, neither is it lawfull for vs to breake the same: But let vs returne agayne to Sicilia and when the wynter is past, we may wel take shipping to Acra. But this counsell nothing at all liked him, neither dyd he shewe hymself wel pleased therwith: But after that he had made them a princely banket, he went into his closet or priuie chamber, from amongst them:neither would be partaker of any of that wicked mony which they had taken. They notwithstanding continuing their purpose: at the next merie wind toke shipping, and for wante of shippes, left. 200. of their men a shore cryeng out and piteouslye lamenting for the perill and hazard of death they were in. MarginaliaThe clemēcy of prince Edward toward the poore souldiors.Wherwith prince Edwarde being somewhat moued with compassion, came backe agayn to the land and receaued and stowed them in hys own shippes, being the laste that wente aborde. Within seuen dayes after, they ariued in the kingdome of Sicilia ouer agaynst the citie Trapes, casting theyr anchors a leage frō thence within the sea, for that theyr ships were of great burden and throughly fraught. And from the hauen of the citie they sent out barges & botes to receaue & bryng such of þe nobilitie to land as would: but their horses for the most part, and all their armour they kept still within bourd. At length towardes the euening, the sea beganne to be rough and encreased to a greate tempest & a mightie: MarginaliaA great shipwrack of the christiās lyeng at Anchor a little frō Trapes.
Non habet euentus, sordida præda benos.
Ex Gual Gisburn.Ex Flori. hist.
In so much, that their ships were beaten one agaynst an others sydes, and drowned there was of them at that tempest lieng at anchor, more then 120. with all their armour and munition: with innumerable soules besides, and that. wicked money also which they had taken before likewyse perished and was drowned. MarginaliaPrince Edward and hys man preserued from the tempest.
The integritie of prince Edward rewarded of God.
But the tempest hurt not so much as one ship of prince Edwardes, who had in number. xiij. nor yet had one man lost therby: for that as it may be presupposed, he consented not to the wicked counsel of the rest. When in the morning the princes and kinges came to the sea side, and saw all their shippes drownd: and sawe their men and horses in greate number caste vpon the land drowned, they had full heauie hartes, as well they might. For of all their shippes & mariners, which were in number a M. CCCCC. besides the common souldiers: there was no more saued, then the mariners of one onely shyp, and they in this wyse. There was in that ship, a good and wise matrone (a Countes or an Earles wyfe) perseuing the tempest to growe, and fearing her selfe, called to her the master of the ship: and asked whether in attempting to the shore, it were not possible to saue them selues: who aunswered, that to saue the ship it was impossible, howbeit the men that were therin by Gods helpe he doubted not. Then sayd the Countes, for the ship force no whitte: saue the soules therin, and haue to thee, double the valure of thy ship. Who immediatlye hoysing the sailes, with all force ranne the ship a ground so neare the shore as possible was. Thus with the vehemencie of the wether and force he came withall, braste the ship and saued all that was within the same, as the master had shewed and sayd before.

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Then the kinges and princes (altering their purpose after this so great a shypwrack) returned home agayne euery one vnto their owne landes: Onely Edward the kynges sonne remayned behynd with his men & shyps, whiche the Lord had saued and preserued. MarginaliaPrince Edward arriueth at Acra and taketh Nazareth.Then prince Edward (renouating his purpose) tooke shipping agayn,  

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Foreign events in Henry III's reign

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

and within xv. daies after Easter ariued he at Acra, and went a land taking with him a thousād of the best souldiers and most expert, and taried there a hole moneth, refreshyng both his men and horses & that in this space he might learne and know the secretes of the land. After this, he tooke with him 6. or 7. thousand souldiers & marched forward xx. miles from Acra, and tooke Nazareth: and those he there foūd he slue, and afterward returned agayn to Acra. MarginaliaAn ouerthrow by the prince of the Tartarians.But their enemies folowing after them, thinkyng to haue set vpō thē at some straite or other aduauntage: were by the prince premonished thereof, and returning agayn vpon them gaue a charge, and slue many of them and þe rest they put to flight. After this about midsomer, when the prince had vnderstandyng that the Sarasens began to gather at Cakhow, which was 40. miles from Acra: he marching thether, set vpon them ve

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