Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry. 3. Jnquisition made against the spoylers of the popes corne.

ryng to complayne of their iniuries receaued: but helde it better, to lose rather their goodes, then to lose their lyues. The authors and workers of this feate were to the number of 80. armed souldiours, of whom the principal captaine was one naming himself W. Wytherse, surnamed Twynge.

MarginaliaThe popes cholar styrred vp agaynst England.This comming to the popes knowledge, he was not a litle stirred therwith, and sēdeth his letters immediatly to the kyng vpon the same: with sharpe threatnyngs, and imperious commaundementes, chargyng hym for sufferyng of such vilany wtin his realme: MarginaliaA fumyshe vicare of mylde Christ.straitly inioyning him vnder paine of excommunication, to search out the doers herof with all diligence, and so to punish them þtall other by them may take example. Likewise, he sendeth the same charge to Peter Byshop of Wint. & to the abbat of S. Edmunde, to inquire in þe south partes. Also to the archbishop of Yorke, and to the bishop of Durham, & to master Ihon Chanon of Yorke a Romane, to inquire in the north partes for the sayd malefactors: and after diligent inquisition made, to send vp the same to Rome, there nedes to appeare before him. &c.

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MarginaliaInquisition made for the spoyling of the poes corne.Thus after earnest inquisition made of all parties, and wytnesses sworne and examined: many were found culpable in the matter, some that were factours, some þt were consenters, of whom some were bishops, and chaplens to the kyng: some archdeacons, & Deanes, wt other souldiours & lay men. Emong whome certayne shiriffes & vndershiriffes with their seruitures vnder thē, were apprhended and cast into prison by the kyng. Many for feare fled & escaped away, who beyng sought for coulde not be founde: but the principall of this number (as is aforesayd) was supposed to bee MarginaliaHubert de BurgoHubertus lorde chiefe iustice: who both with the kyngs letters and his owne, fortified þe doers therof, þt no mā durst interrupt thē. Moreouer in þe same societie of thē, which were noted in these doings, was MarginaliaRobert Twynge, spoyled of hys benefice by the Romaines.þe same Robert Twynge, aboue mētioned, a comely yong mā & a talle souldiour: who of hys owne voluntary accorde, wt fiue other seruitures, whō he toke with him abroade to worke that feate, came to the kyng: openly protesting himselfe to bee the author of that deede doyng and sayd, he did it for hatred of the pope and the Romaines: because that by the sentence of the bishop of Rome, and fraudulent circumuention of the Italians, he was bereued of þe patronage of his benefice, hauing no more to geaue but that one. Wherfore to be reuenged of that iniurie, he enterprised that whiche was done: preferryng rather vniustly to be excommunicate for a season, then to be spoyled of his benefice for euer. Then the kyng, and other executors of the Popes commaundemēt gaue hym counsaile, that seyng he had so incurred the daunger of the popes sentence, would offer him selfe to the pope to be absolued of him agayne, and there to make his declaration vnto him, that he iustly and canonically was possessed in that churche. The king moreouer wt hym sent his letters testimoniall vnto the pope, wytnessyng with the sayd souldiour, and instantly desiryng the Pope in his behalfe, that he myght with fauour be heard. At the request wherof, pope Gregory afterward, both released hym of the sentence, and restored hym to hys patronage: writyng to the Archbyshop of Yorke, that he might agayne inioye the ryght of his benefice in as ample maner, as he did before it was taken from hym.

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MarginaliaThe byshops goe about to bryng Hubert out of the kynges fauour.Hubert de Burgo L. chief Iustice,  

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Hubert de Burgh

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

beyng one of them whiche helde agaynst the Romishe priestes, as is afore signified: was therfore not a litle noted of the Byshops, who to requite him with like despite agayne (after their accustomed maner of practise) went about by subtile workyng, to shake hym out of the kynges fauour. And first commeth Peter Byshop of Wint. to the kyng greuously complainyng of certain about the kyng, but especially of the foresayd Hubert the kynges iustice: in so much, that he caused him to be remoued from his office,notwithstandyng he had the kynges seale and writyng for the perpetuitie of the same, and procured Steaphen Segraue to be placed in his function. MarginaliaObiectiōs layd agaynst Hubert, by the king.And after a fewe dayes, the kyng more and more incensed agaynst hym, called him to a counte of all the treasure whiche he was coūtable for by his excheker office: also of all such debtes by him due from the tyme of his father, vnto hys tyme. Also of all the Lordships, which were in the possession of William Earle of Penbroke, chief iustice before hym. Item, of the liberties whiche he did hold at that tyme, in forestes, warennes, shyres, and other places: how they were kept, or how they were made away. Of prisis likewise: Also of losses committed through his negligence: And of wastes made contrary to the kynges profite: of his liberties, how he did vse them. Item, of iniuries and damages wrought agaynst the clerkes of Rome, and other Italians, & the popes legates: for the redresse wherof, he would neuer adioyne his counsaile, accordyng as appertained to his office being then chief Iustice of England. Also of scutagies, giftes, presentes, scapes of prisoners. Item, of maritagies whiche kyng Ihon committed to his kepyng at the day of his death, and which wer also in his tyme committed vnto hym. To these Hubert aunswered, that he had kyng Ihons owne hand to shew for his discharge: who so approued his fidelitie, that he neuer called hym to any, but clearely discharged hym from all such countes. Whereunto aunswered agayne the Bishop of Wint. saying: the charter of Kyng Ihon hath no force after the death of hym, but that ye may now be called to a reckenyng of this kyng for the same.MarginaliaNote that with Wint. the kings charter is no longer in force thē why lest he liueth.

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Ouer and besides these, other greater obiections wer layd to his charge by the kyng: MarginaliaOther crimes obiected to Hubert by the for sendyng and writyng to the duke of Austria, that he myght marry hys daughter, to the preiudicie of the king and of the realme, dissuading that she might not be geuen to him. Item, for counsailyng that king not to entre into Normandy with his army whiche he had prepared for the recouery of the landes there belongyng to his right, wherby great treasure was there consumed in vaine. Item, for corrupting the daughter of the kyng of Scottes, whom kyng Ihon hys father committed to hys custody, for hym to mary. Item, for stealyng from him a pretious stone, which had a vertue to make him victorious in warre, and for sendyng the same to Leoline kyng of Walles. And that by hys letters sent to the sayd Leoline, William Brues a noble man was caused there traiterously to be hanged. &c. These with other crimes (whether true or false) were suggested to the Kyng agaynst the sayd Hubert by hys aduersaries. Whereunto he was required to aunswer by order of lawe. Hubert then seyng him selfe in such a strait, refused to aunswer presently, but required respite therunto, for that the matters were weighty whiche the kyng obiected to hym, whiche was graunted to hym till the 14. day of September: but in the meane tyme, Hubert beyng in feare of the kyng, fled from London to the priorie of Merton. And thus Hubert, who before for the loue of the kyng, and defence of the realme (sayth myne author) had got the hatred of all the nobles of England, nowe beyng out of the kynges fauour was destitute of comforte on euery side: saue onely that Lucas Archbyshop of Dubline, with instant prayers and teares, labored to the kyng for hym. MarginaliaPrinces fauors not to be trusted to.By this example and many like is to be sene, howe vnstable and variable a thyng is the fauour of mortall and mutable Princes: To teach all such as haue to do about princes, how to repose and plāt their trust not in man, but in hys Lord God: by hym to find helpe in Christ the true prince of all princes, whiche neuer faileth. By like example was Clito serued of king Alexander. Ioab of kyng Dauid. Bellisarius of Iustiniane. Harpagus of Astiages. Cromwell of king Hēry: wt innumerable mo, whiche in histories are to be found.

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When the day was come, that this Hubert should
