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An oration of K. Edgar. Archbishops of Cant.

monicall heresie is condempned? Be earnest ye priestes, be earnest, to folow þe wayes of the Lord, and the righteousnes of our God. It is tyme to do agaynst them that haue brokē the law of God. I haue Constātines sword, and ye haue Peters sword in your handes: let vs ioyne right handes, let vs couple sword to sword, that the leapers may be cast out of the tēples, þt the holy place of the Lord may be purged, and the sonnes of Leuie may minister in the temple: MarginaliaDeut. 33who sayd to hys father and mother I know you not, and to his brothers, I know not you. Go to diligently I pray you, least we repēt to haue done that, that we haue done, and to haue geuen that, that we gaue. If we shal see that to be spent not in Gods seruice, but on the riotousnes of wicked men, through vyle and corrupt libertie of lyfe, for lacke of chastisment: let the reliques of holy saintes whiche they despise: and the holy altars before which they playe the mad men, moue you. Let the great deuotiō of our auncetours moue you: whose almes the madnes of the clerkes doth abuse. My great grandfather (as ye know) gaue the tenth parte of all his lād to churches and abbeis. My great grādfather Alfredus of holy memorie, thought not mete to spare his treasures, his goodes, no costes nor rētes, that he might enriche the churche. My grandfather the elder Edward, your fatherhode is not ignoraunt, how great things he gaue to þe churches. It becōmeth you to remēber wt what gifts my father and his brother did enriche Christes altars. O father of fathers Dunstane, behold, I pray thee, þe eyes of my father loking on thee, frō þe bright place of heauē. Herken his cōplainyng words soūding in thine eares, thus pitifully lamēting. O father Dunstane thou, thou, I say gaue me counsel to builde abbaies and churches: thou was my helper & felow worker in al thinges. I chose thee as a shepheard & bishop of my soule, & a keper of my maners. When did I not obey thee? what treasures did I preferre in respect of thy counsels: what possessions did I not dispise, if thou had me? if þu thought meete to geue any thyng to the poore, I was ready. If þu thought mete to geue any thyng to churches I deferred not. If þu complained that monks, or clerkes wāted any thing, I supplied. Thou saidst þt almes lasted for euer, & þt there was none more frutful thē that, which was geuē to abbeis or churches. For wt that both Gods seruaunts ar sustayned, and þt which remaineth is geuē to þe poore. O worthy almes. O worthy price of the soule, oh holesome remedy for our sinnes, whiche now doth stincke in the sweete furres of priests lemans, wherwt they adorne their eares, & decke their fingers, apparelling their delicate bodyes wt silkes & purple. O father, is this the frute of mine almes: is this theffect of my desire, and of thy promise? what wilt thou aunswere to this complaint of my fathers? I know I know, when thou didst see a thief, thou rannest not with him: neither hast thou put thy porcion with aduouterers. Thou hast rebuked, thou has exhorted, thou hast blamed them, but words haue ben despised. Now we must come to stripes of correction: thou hast here with thee, the worshipfull father Edwald Byshop of Winchester. Thou hast the reuerend prelate Oswold bishop of Worcetour, I cōmit this busines to you, that both by bishoply correction, and the kynges autoritie the filthy lyues may be cast out of the churches, and they that lyue orderly may be brought in. &c.

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MarginaliaThe ignorance and superstitiō of the tyme of king Edgar, noted.¶ In this oration of K. Edgar aboue prefixed, three thinges are chieflye to be noted and considered to them, that haue iudgements to marke and vnderstand: to wit: the religious zeale and deuotion of kynges, both in geuyng to the church, and also in correcting the maners of Churchmen. 2. Secondly, the dissolute behauiour and wantonnes of the clergie, then abusing the great donations and patrimonies of princes bestowed vpon them. 3. Thirdly, the blynd ignoraunce and superstitiō of that tyme in both states: as wel ecclesiastical, as temporal: in estemyng christes religion chiefly to consist in geuing tochurches, and in maintaining of monkery: MarginaliaThe doctrine of iustification vnknowen.falsly beyng persuaded, that remission of their sinnes and remedie of their soules therin dyd lye: in building monasteries, erectyng churches and cloisters, and in placyng monkes in the same, and such other almes deedes, and workes of deuotion. MarginaliaIustificatiō by fayth in Christ.Wherin appeareth how ignorant that time was of the true doctrine of christes faith, and of free grace of the Gospel, which promiseth lyfe, remedy, and iustification: not by any deuout merites of oures, nor by anye workes eyther of the law of God, or of the inuentions of man: but onely and frely by our faith vpon Christ Iesus the sonne of God, in whom only consisteth al the promises of God: Amen.

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Now remayneth as in the former booke before, so in this likewise, to prosecute the order and rase of Archbyshops of Cant. as we haue done the rase of kynges, beginning with Etheredus, who succeded next after Celnock the. 17. archbishop of that see, mentioned, where we last lefte before. Pag. 179.

¶ The names and order of the Archbish. of Cant. from the tyme of K. Egbert to kyng William Conquerour.

19.Pleimūdus.29This Pleimsidus was scholemai-
ster to good king Alfred.
22.Odo.20By the praiers of this Odo, the mō
kish stories say, that the sworde of K.
Ethelstane was brought againe into
his scabbard. As touching the epistle
of thys Odo, sent to other Bishops,
vide pag. 200.
23Elsius, or Elsi-
1This Elfius fyrst b. of Wint. came
to the sea of Cant. by the cōmaunde-
ment of king Edgar (some say by bri-
bes) contrarye to the mynde of Odo.
Wherupon in the first day of his cōse
cration, he insulting vpon the tombe
of Odo with despite, shortli after wēt
to Rome for his palle, wher in his ior
ney vpon the Alpes he died for cold,
insomuch that hys horses being kyl-
led, and he put in their warm bellies,
yet could get no heate. Malmes.
Polydorus maketh
Dunstane to be the.
23. archb.
20. Of this Dunstan manye moonkish mira-
cles be fayned, as of the harp vpon the wall
MarginaliaS Dunstanes harpe vpon the wall fast by a pynne dyd hange a.
Without mās help with lye and all and by it selfe did twange a.
playing by it self: Gaudent in cælis &c. of our
lady with her company appearing to hym,
synging: Kantemus doio sociæ cantemus ho
norē. Dulcis amor Christi personet ore pio.

Also of the aungels singing Kyrieleyson. &c.
Item of holding the deuil by the nose wyth
a payre of tonges, tempting him with wemē
Malmes Item of seing the holy gost at hys
masse in likenes of a Doue. Item in deliue-
ring the soule of Edwin from the deuil. Itē
in foreseing the death of king Edred, by the
death and falling of hys horse. Item of hys
mother beyng great with Dunstane, when
al the candels of others went out, her onely
candle remained light, and many other like
fables. &c.
27Siricius.5This Siricius was the counseler
to k. Elgelred, to redeme peace of the
Danes, with a great tribute.
28Elphegus.6Elphegus because he denied to pay
to the Danes a tribut, was stoned to
death at Grinewyge, and of some is
called a martyr.
32Robertus.2This Robertus caused Godwyn &
hys sonnes to be banished, accusyng
them of treason But afterward they
being restored, he went to Rome, and
at hys returne dyed.
33Stigandus.17Stigandus being an English man, in the
tyme of W. Conquerer the Normane, was
by the craft of the sayde William conueyed
into Normandy, wher a whyle with great
honour he was entertayned. At length the
sayd W. procured secretly the popes letters
to depose hym, that he might place Lanfrā
cus in hys roume. Thys Stigandus dyed
at length in pryson.

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