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Austen, the Monks of Bangor. Austen, Laur. Jo. Alexād. Actes and Monuments of the Church.

would not remoue. Wherat they being not a litle offended, after some heate of woordes, in disdaine and great displeasure departed thence. To whō then Austen spake, & said þt if they would not take peace with their brethrē, they shoulde receiue warre with the enemies: And if they disdayned to preache with them the way of lyfe to the English nation, they shoulde suffer by their handes the reuenge of death. Which not long after so came to passe by the meanes of MarginaliaEthelfride king of Northumberland.Ethelfride king of Northumberland: who being yet a Pagan, and styrred with fearce fury agaynst the Britaines, came with a great army against the citie of Chester: MarginaliaBrocmayl consul of Chester.where Brocmayl the Consul of that city, a friend and helper of the Britaynes syde, was redy with his force to receaue him. There was at the same tyme at MarginaliaThe monastery of Bangor.Bangor in Wales, an exceding great monastery, wherin was suche a number of Moonkes, as Galfridus with other autors doo testify, that if the whole cōpany were deuided into vij. partes, in euery of the. vij. parts were cōtained not so few as. 300. monks: which al did liue with the sweate of their browes, and labour of their own handes, hauing one for their ruler named Dinoe. MarginaliaGalfridus Monumetensis.
Polichron. lib. 5. cap. 10.
Liber bibliothecæ Iornalensis.
Gu. Reg.
Fabiā. part. 5 cap. 109. 120.
Out of this Monastery came the Moonkes to Chester, to praye for the good successe of Brocmayl, fighting for them against the Saxons. Three daies they continued in fasting and prayer. When Ethelfride the foresayde king, seing them so intent to their praiers: demaunded the cause of their comming thether in suche a company. When he perceaued it was to praye for theyr Consul, then (said he) althoughe they beare no weapon, yet they fight agaynst vs, and with their prayers & preachinges they persecute vs. MarginaliaA pitiful slaughter of vnarmed Monkes of Bangor.Wherupon, after that Brocmayl being ouercome did flee away, the king commaūded his men to turne their weapons against the sely vnarmed monkes: of whom he slewe the same time, or rather martyred. 1100. onelye fiftye personnes of that number did flee and escape awaye with Brocmayle: the rest were al slayne. The autors that write of this lamētable murder, declare and say, how the forespeaking of Austen, was here verefied vpon the Britaines: which because they would not ioyne peace with their friends, he sayd should be destroyed of their enemies. MarginaliaWhether Austē or the Britains in this case were more to blame.Of both these parties, the reader may iudge what he pleaseth: I cannot see but both together were to bee blamed. And as I cannot but accuse the one, so I cannot defende the other. First Austen in this matter can in no wyse be excused, who being a Monke before, and therfore a scholer & professor of humilitie: shewed so litle humilitie in this assēble, to vij. bishops, & an Archbishop, cōming at his cōmaundemēt to þe councel: that he thought scorne once to styrre at their comming in. Muche lesse woulde hys pharisaical solemnitie haue girded him selfe, & washed his bretherns feete, after their trauayle, as Christ our great maister did to his Disciples: seing hys Lordshyp was so hie, or rather so heauy, or rather so proude, that coulde not finde in his harte to geue them a little mouing of hys bodye, to declare a brotherlye and humble hart. Againe the Britaines were as muche, or more to blame, who so much neglected their spiritual duty, in reuenging their temporal iniurie: that they denied to ioyn vnto their helping labour, to turne the Idolatrous Saxons to the way of life and saluation. In which respect al priuate cases ought to geue place, and to be forgotten. For the which cause, although lamentable to vs, yet no great maruaile in them, if the stroke of Gods punishment did light vpon them: according to the woordes of Austen, as is before declared. But especiallye the cruell king, in this fact, was most of all to blame, so furiouslye to flee vpō them, which had neither weapō to resist him, nor yet any wil to harme him. And so likewise the same or like, happened to himselfe afterward. For so was he also slayne in þe fielde by christiā Edwine, who succeded hym, as he had slain þe christiās before, which was aboutthe yeare of our Lord. 610. But to returne to Austen agayne, who by reporte of autors was departed before this cruelty was done: after he had baptised and christened. x. thousande Saxons or Angles in the West ryuer, that is called Swale, beside Yorke on a Christēmas dai: perceauing his ende to draw nere, MarginaliaLaurentius Archb. after Austēhe ordayned a Successor named Laurentius to rule after him the Archbishops see of Dorobernia. Where note by the way Christen reader, that where as Austen baptised then in ryuers: it followeth, there was then no vse of fontes. MarginaliaBaptising in riuers not in fontes.
Baptising among the old Romains was not vsed with so many ceremonies as since
Againe, if it be true that Fabian saith, he baptised. x. thousand in one day: the rite then of baptising at Rome was not so ceremonial, neither had so many trinkets at that time, as it hathe had since, or els it coulde not be, that he could baptise so many in one day.

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In the meane season, about this time departed Gregorye Byshop of Rome: of whome it is sayd, that of the number of all the first Bishops before him in the primitiue tyme, he was the basest: of all them that came after hym, he was the best. MarginaliaAnno. 610.
S. Dauid in Wales otherwise called Dewy.
About which tyme also died in Wales, Dauyd Archbishop fyrst of Keyrleion, who thē translated the see from thence to Meneuia, and therfore is called Dauid of Wales. Not long after this also deceased the foresayd Austen in Englande after he had sat there. xv. or. xvj. yeares: by þe which counte we may note it, not to be true that H. Hungtinton and other do witnesse, that Austen was dead before that battell of Ethelfride agaynst the Monkes of Bangor. MarginaliaCōputatīg of tyme examined.For if it be true that Polychronicon testifieth of this murder, to be done about the yeare of our Lord. 609. and the comming of Austen first into the Realme, to be. an. 596. then Austen enduring. xvj. yeares coulde not be dead at this battell. Moreouer Galfridus Monumentensis declareth, concerning the same battell, MarginaliaGalfridus Monumentensis.that Ethelbert the king of Kent, being (as is said) conuerted by Austen to Christes fayth: after he sawe the Brytaines to disdaine and denie their subiection vnto Austen, neyther would assiste hym with preaching to the englishe nation: therefore styrred vp he the foresaid Ethelfride to warre against the Britaines. But that semeth rather suspicious then true, that he being a Christen king, eyther could so much preuaile, with a Pagan idolater, or ells would attempt so farre to cōmitte such a cruell deede. But of vncertayne thinges I haue nothing certainlye to say, lesse to iudge.

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MarginaliaAnno. 610.
Poly. lib. 5 cap. 10.
A story of Iohn Patriarche of Alexandria
About this presente tyme aboue prefixed, which is 610. I read in the storye of Ranulphus Cestrensis the writer of Polichronicon, of Iohn the Patriarch of Alexandria: who for hys rare example of hospitalitie and bountifulnes to the poore: I thought no lesse worthye to haue place amongst good men, then I see the same now to be followed of fewe. This Iohn (being before belike a harde and sparing man) as he was at his prayer vpon a tyme (it is sayd) there appeared to him a comely virgine hauing on her head a garlande of Oliue leaues: which named her selfe mercy, MarginaliaMercy may liue a mayden, for no man wil mary her. This Iohn was so boūtiful in geuīg, that he assaid to striue in a maner with the lord, whether the lord shuld geue more or he shuld distribute more, of that which was geuen.saying to him and promising that if he would take her to wife, he should prosper well. This, whether it were true or not, or ells inuented for a moralitie, I would wishe this florishing damsell so to be maryed to moe then to this Iohn, that she shoulde not liue so long a virgin now as she doth, because no mā will mary her. But to returne to this Patriarche, who after that day (as the storye recordeth) was so mercifull and so beneficiall, especially to the poore and nedye, that he counted them as his maisters, and himselfe, as a seruaunt and steward vnto them. This Patriarche was wont commonly twise a weeke to sit at his doore all the day longe, to take vp matters, and to set vnitie, where was any variaunce. One daye it happened, as he was sitting all the day before his gate and saw no mā come, lamented þt all that day he had done no good: To whom his deacon standing by, aunswered againe, that he had more cause to reioyce, seing he brought the citie in that

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