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1677 [1639]

Queene Mary. Thynges done the 2. yeare of Queene Mary.

Marginalia1554. March. Aprill. May.Rome that Antichrist, and from the assault of al his satellites. Gods indignatiō is knowen: he wil try and proue who be his. Amend your lyues. Deny not Christ before men lest he deny you before his heauēly father. Feare not to lose your lyues for him, for ye shall find them agayne. God hold his mercifull hād ouer this Realme, and auert the plagues imminent, from the same. God saue the Queene and send her knowledge in his truth. Amen, pray, pray, pray ye Christians, and comfort your selues with the Scriptures.

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Written the 2. of March. an. 1554. by me Walter
Mantell prisoner, whom both God and the world
hath forgeuen his offences. Amen.

And thus much concernyng the purgation of Maister Walter Mantel, who if he had consented vnto the Queene, what time she sent Doctor Bourne vnto hym, to renye hys fayth, it is not otherwyse to be thought, but he had had hys pardon, and escaped wyth lyfe.


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Between Mantell and the Preachers' Declaration

This section is a narrative passage, and the glosses are mainly dates and references to events of a political and judicial kind. Other glosses however suggest a surreptitious, irreverent strain to the response of London protestants to the new regime.

Vpon the MarginaliaMarch. 3.
Syr Gawen Carew and M. Gybbes, brought to the Tower.
Saterday beyng the iij. of March,  
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Block 26: Events of spring 1554

Foxe resumed following his chronicle sources for events in the spring of 1554. One of these sources was the 'Cheapside chronicle,' which first appeared in 1563; the remaining material was added in 1570.

Syr Gawen Carew, and M. Gibbes were brought through London to the Tower with a company of horsemen.

MarginaliaMarch. 7.In London the vij. day of March, euery housholder was commaunded to appeare before the Alderman of their ward, and there were commaunded, that they, their wiues, and seruauntes, should prepare them selues to shrift, and receiue the Sacrament at Easter, and that neither they, nor any of them should depart out of the Citie, vntill Easter was past.

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MarginaliaMarch. 18.
Lady Elizabeth brought to the Tower.
Vpon the Sonday following, being the. xviij. day of March,  

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Once again the introduction of material from different sources, covering the same time period, into different editions created repetition. As an example, a brief account of Elizabeth being sent to the Tower was added in the 1570 edition (1570, p. 1639; 1576, p. 1398; 1583, p. 1469); this repeated the more detailed account already printed in an earlier section of the Acts and Monuments (1563, p. 927; 1570, p. 1587; 1576, p. 1355; 1583, p. 1425) and this episode would also be described, in great detail, at the end of all four editions. (As was all too often the case, the dates in the different versions did not correspond; the first version stated that Elizabeth was sent to the Tower on 15 March; the second version (correctly)gave the date as 18 March. As always, Foxe never corrected, or apparently noticed, the discrepancy).

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the Lady Elizabeth, of whom mention was made before, the Queenes Sister, was brought to the Tower.

Vpon MarginaliaMarch. 24.Easter euen, being the. xxiiij. of March, the Lord Marques of Northampton, the Lord Cobham, and Syr William Cobham were delyuered out of the Tower.

MarginaliaMarch. 25.The. xxv. day (being Easter day) in the morning, at S. Pancrase in Cheape, the Crucifixe with the Pixe were taken out of the Sepulchre, before the Priest rose to the resurrection: MarginaliaThe Pixe risen out of the Sepulchre, frō all the watchmen at S. Pancrase that when after his accustomed maner he put his hand into the Sepulchre, and said very deuoutly: Surrexit non est hic, he found his words true, for he was not there in deede. Whereupon being halfe dismaid, they consulted amongst them selues whō they thought to be likeliest to do this thing. In whych debatement they remembred one Marsh,MarginaliaM. Marsh burdened wth suspition and with hys mariage. which a litle before had bene put from that personage, because hee was maryed, to whose charge they layd it. But when they could not proue it, being brought before þe Maior, they then burdened hym to haue kept company wyth hys wyfe since that they were by commaundement diuorsed. Whereto he aunswered, that hee thought the Quene had done hym wrong to take from hym both his lyuing and hys wyfe: Which woordes were then noted, and takē very greuously, and he and his wyfe were both committed to seueral Counters, notwithstanding that he had bene very sicke.

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MarginaliaAprill. 8.
A Catte hanged with a shauēcrowne, vpon the gallowes in Chepeside.
The. viij. of Apryll, there was a Cat hanged vpon a gallowes at the Crosse in Cheape, apparelled lyke a Priest ready to say Masse, with a shauen crowne. Her two forefeete were tyed ouer her head, wyth a round paper lyke a wafer cake put betwene them: whereon arose great euyll wyll agaynst the City of London. For the Queene and the Bishops were very angry wythal: and therefore the same afternoone, there was a proclamatiō, that who soeuer could bring forth the party that dyd hang vp the Cat, should haue. xx. nobles, which reward was afterwardes encreased to. xx. markes, but none could, or would earne it.

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As touching the first occasion of setting vp thys Gallowes in Cheapeside, here is to be vnderstand, that after þe sermon of þe B. of Winchester (aboue mencioned) made before the Queene for the straite execution of Wiats Soldiours, immediately vpon the same, the. xiij of February, were set vp a great number of Gallowes

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in diuers places of the Citie, MarginaliaThe number and occasion of gallowes set vp in the Citie of London.namely 2. in Chepeside, 1. at Leaden hall, 1. at Billings gate, 1. at S. Magnes Church, 1. in Smithfield, 1. in Fleetestreete, 4. in Southwarke, 1. at Allgate, 1. at Bishops gate, 1. at Aldersgate, 1. at Newgate, 1. at Ludgate, 1. at S. Iames Parcke corner, 1. at Cripplegate: all which Gibbets and Gallowes to the number of. xx. there remained for terrour of other, from the.xiij. of February, till the iiij. of Iune, and then at the commyng in of king Phillip, were taken downe.

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MarginaliaAprill. 11.The. xj. day of April, was Syr Thomas Wiat beheaded and quartered at Tower hyll, where hee vttered these wordes, touching the Lady Elizabeth, and the Earle of Deuonshere.  

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An example of repetition concerning Elizabeth was the story of Wyatt exonerating Elizabeth and Courtenay at his execution. One version of the story was printed in 1563, p. 1001; 1570, p. 1639; 1576, p. 1399; 1583, p. 1469; another, more detailed, version of the story, derived from Sir Thomas White, was added in the 1570 edition. It is also interesting that the shorter version of the story was printed in indirect quotation in 1563 (p. 1001) but rendered in direct quotation in subsequent editions (1570, p. 1639; 1576, p. 1399; 1583, p. 1469).

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Concerning (sayd he) what I haue sayd of other in my examination, to charge any other as partakers of my doinges, MarginaliaM. Wyats wordes touching the Lady Elizabeth.I accuse neyther my Lady Elizabethes grace, nor my Lord of Deuonshire. I can not accuse them, neyther am I am to say, that, to my knowledge, they knew any thing of my rising. And whē D. Weston told him, that his confession was other wyse before the Counsell, he aunswered: that which I sayd then, I sayd: but that which I say now, is true.

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MarginaliaAprill. 17.
Syr Iames Croft. M. Wynter. Syr Nicholas Throgmorton.
Vpon the Tuesday beyng the. xvij. of Aprill, Syr Iames Croft, and Maister Wynter, were brought to the Guild hall, wyth whom also the same tyme, and to þe same place was brought Syr Nich. Throgmorton, and there arraigned of treason, for that hee was suspected to be of the conspiracie with the Duke of Suffolke, and the rest against the Quene, where hee so learnedly and wysely behaued him selfe (as well in clearyng hys own case, as also in opening such lawes of the Realme as were then alledged agaynst hym) that the Quest which was charged with his matter, could not in conscience, but finde him not gilty: MarginaliaThe Quest troubled for Syr Nicholas Throgmorton.for the which the sayd xij. persons of the Quest, being all substantiall men of the Citie, were bound in the summe of. 500. poundes a peece, to appeare before the Queenes Counsel at a day appointed, there to aunswer such thinges as should be layd against them for his acquiting. Which Quest appeared accordingly before the Counsell in the Starre chamber vpon Wedensday,MarginaliaAprill. 25. being the. xxv. of Apryll, and S. Markes day. From whence, after certaine questioning, they were committed to prison, Emanuel Lucar, and Maister Whetstone were committed to the Tower, and the other ten to the Fleete.

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As concerning the condemnation of Thomas Archbishop of Cant. of Doctor Ridley, & Maister Latimer, which was the. xx. of this moneth of Aprill, and also of their disputatiōs, because we haue sayd inough before, it shall not neede now to bestow any further rehearsall thereof.

MarginaliaL. Tho. Gray beheaded.
Aprill. 27.
The Friday next following, after the condemnation of them, the xxvij. of Aprill, Lord Thomas Gray, the late Duke of Suffolkes brother, was beheaded at Tower hyll.

MarginaliaAprill. 28.Vpon the Saterday, being the. xxviij. of Apryll, Syr Iames Croft, & Maister Winter were againe brought to the Guild hall, where Syr Iames Croft was arraigned and condemned, and because the day was farre spent, Maister Winter was not arraigned.

MarginaliaW. Thomas condemned.
May. 17.
Vpon the Thursday, being the. xvij. of May, Williā Thomas was arraygned at the Guild Hall, and there the same day condemned. Who the next day after, was hanged, drawne, and quartered. His accusation was, for conspiring the Queenes death: which how true it was, I haue not to say. This is certayne, that he made a right godly end, and wrote many fruitfull exhortations, letters and Sonets in the prison before hys death.

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MarginaliaA certayne disputation intended to be had at Cambrige, betwene the true preachers and the pretēsed Catholickes.In the moneth of May it was so giuen out, and bruitted abroad, that a solemne disputation should be holden at Cambridge (as ye hard before in M. Ridleys letter pag. 1634) betwene M. Bradford, M. Saunders, M. Rogers,  

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In the introductory comments Foxe made to the declaration by leading protestants opposing the idea of a disputation at Cambridge, Foxe reminded his readers that Ridley had reported rumours of the proposed disputation in a letter to Cranmer. Foxe stated that John Bradford, Laurence Saunders and John Rogers were the proposed disputants (1570, p. 1639; 1576, p. 1399; 1583, p. 1469). But Ridley had stated in his letter that they were Bradford, Edward Crome and Rogers (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1464).

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and other of that side, & the Doctours of both the Vniuersities on the other side, lyke as had bene in

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