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923 [923]

cōmissiō ought or neded herein to be obserued in the presence of you Stephen B. of Wynchester, do procede to the geuing of our finall iudgement and sentence, diffinitiue in this maner followyng. Forasmuch as by thactes inacted, exhibites and allegations purposed, deduced, and alleged, and by sufficient proues with your own confession in the causes aforesayde, had and made, we do euidētly finde and perceyue, that you Steuen byshop of Wynchester, haue not only trasgressed the commaundementes mētioned in the same, but also haue of long time, notwithstanding many admonitions and commaundemente,s geuen vnto you to the contrarie, remayned a persone much grudging, speaking and repugning against the godly reformations of abuses in religion, set forth by the kynges highnes autoritie within this his realm: And forasmuch as we do also fynde you a notable, open & contemptuous obeyer of sondrie godly, and iust commaundementes geuen vnto you by our sayd soueraigne Lorde, and by his autoritie, in diuerse great & weyghtie causes, touching & concerning his princely office, the state and cōmon quietnes of this his Realme: And forasmuche as you haue, and yet do contempteously refuse to recognize your notorious negligences, misbehauiours, contemptes, and disobediences, remaining styll after a great nombre of seuerall admonitions alwayes more and more indurate, incorrigible, and without all hope of amendement, contrary both to your othe sworne, obedience, promyse, and also your boūden dutie of allegiance: And for the great slaūder and offence of the people, arysen in many partes of the Realme, through your wilfull doynges, sayngs, and preachinges, contrary to the cōmon order of the realme: And for sondry other great causes, by thactes, exhibites, your owne confession, and proues of this processe more fully appearing: considering withall that nothing effectually hath been on your behalf alleaged, purposed, and proued, ne by any other meanes appeareth, which doth, or may empayre, or take away the proues made agaynste you, vpon the sayde matters and other the premisses:

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Therfore we Thomas Archebyshop of Caunterbury, Primate of all Englande, and Metropolitane, iudge delegate aforesayd, callyng God before our eyes, with expresse consent and assent of Nycholas byshop of Londō, Thomas byshop of Ely, Henry, byshop of Lyncolne, sir William Peter knyght, Sir Iames Hales knyght, Griffith Leyson, and Iohn Olyuer, doctors of the ciuil lawe, Richard Goodricke, and Iohn Gosnold, Esquiers iudges, and colleages with vs in the causes and matters aforesayd, and with the counsell of diuers learned men in the lawes, with whome we haue conferred in and vpon the premisses do iudge and determine, you Stephē byshop of Wynchester, to be depriued and remoued from the byshoprike of Wynchester, and from all the rightes, autoritie, emolumentes, commodities, and other appurtenaunces to the saide byshoprike in any wise belonging, what soeuer they be. And by these presentes we doo depryue and remoue you from your sayde byshoprike, and all ryghtes, and other commodities aforesayde: And further pronounce and declare the sayd byshoprike of Winchester to all effectes and purposes, to be voyde by these our sentence diffinitiue, whiche we geue, pronounce, and declare in these wrytinges.

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From this sentēce diffinitiue, the said bishop of Wynchester, vnder his former protestations, dissented from the geuing and reding thereof, & frō the same as iniust, of no efficacie or effect in lawe, and in that, that the same conteineth excessiue punishment, and for other causes expressed in his appellation aforesayd, did then and there Apud acta, immediatly after the pronouncing of the sentence, by worde of mouth appeale to our soueraigne Lord þe kings most excellēt maiestie first, secondly, and thirdly, instantly, more instantly, most instantly, and asked Apostles or letters dimissorials to be geuen and graunted vnto him: And also vnder protestatiō not to recede from the sayd appellation asked a copy of the sayd sentēce, the iudges declaring that they will first know the kings maiesties pleasure & his counsayle therein: vpon the reading and geuing of which sentence, the promoters willed William Saye and Thomas Argall to makea publike instrument, and the witnesses then & there present to beare testimony therunto: and the bishoppe of Winchester required vs also to make him an instrument vpon his sayd appellation, and the sayd witnesses to testify therunto being present as witnesses at the premisses, the erles of Westmerland and Rutlant, the Lorde William Haward, the Lord Russel, Sir Thomas Wroth, sir Anthony Brown knights, M. Iohn Cheke Esquier, Iohn fuller, Richarde Liell, Galfride Glin, william Ieffry, Richard Standish, Dauid Lewis, doctors of lawe, M. sergeant Morgan, maister Stainford, maister Chidley, maister Carell, maister Diar temporall counsayllours, and many other in a greate multitude there assembled.

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And thus haue ye the whole discourse and proces of Steauen Gardiner late bishoppe of Winchester: (vnto whome the papisticall clergy doth so much leane, as to a might Atlas and vpholder of theire ruinous religion) with hys letters, aunsweres, preachings, examinations, defensions, exhibites, and attestations, of all such witnesses, as he could produce for the most aduantage of his owne cause, with such notes also, and collections gathered vpon the same: wherby, if euer there were any firme iudgmēt, or sentence in that man to be gathered in matters of religion, here it maye appeare what it was, as wel on the one side, as on the other.

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Now let vs, adioyne to the same, the iudgement also, and the answeres of doctor Redmā, vpon the like controuersies, so as he professed him self, not before any Iudge, but of his volūtary accord, beinge on his death bed: whiche in deede happened the same yeare, that the bishop of Winton was depriued.

¶ A communication betwene doctoure Redman, lying in his death bed, and M. Nowel then scholemaister in Westminster, and certayne other, touching certayn poyntes of christes religion.  
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Although both William Seres (A Reporte of Maister Doctor Redmans answers (London, 1551), 20827, sig A2r-v) and Alexander Nowell himself (A Confutation as wel of M. Dormans last Boke…[London, 1567], STC 18739, fos. 11v-13r) are quite disingenuous about the origins of this document, its apparent genesis is revealing. Word of Redman's deathbed reached William Cecil, who instructed Nowell to draw up this of doctrinal points made by Redman and to get witnesses to subscribe to it. (For the identities of these witnesses see commentaries earlier in this section.) Cecil gave this document to Seres who printed it in A Reporte, fos. A3r-A6r). This again is indicative of the efforts made by Cecil and the Edwardian authorities to capitalize on Redman's death for purposes of religious propaganda.

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IN primis, the sayd doctor Redman sent for maister Nowell of his own mind, and sayd, he was willing to common with him of such matters as he had moued þe sayd D. Redmā of, a day or two before. And he being desired of the said maister Nowel to declare his mind concerning certaine pointes of our religion, first sayd: aske me what ye wyll, and I will answere you (before god) truely, as I thinke, without any affection to the worlde or any worldly person.

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Witnesses, Alexander Nowell, Richarde Bourton,
Ellis Lomas, Ihon Wright.

2. Item, the said doctor Redman said that the sea of Rome in these latter dayes is, sentina malorum, that is, a sinke of all euill.

Witnesses, Iohn Yong. Alexander Nowell, Richard
Bourton, Richard Elithorne, Edward Cratforde, El
lis Lomas, Ihon Wright.

3. Item, that purgatory, as the scholemen taught it, and vsed it, was vngodlye, and that there was no such kind of purgatorye, as they phantasied

Witnesses, Iohn yong. Richard Elithorne, Ihon
Wright, Alexander Nowell, Edward Cratford, Ry-
Burton, Ellis Lomas.
