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vnto vs, the whiche before was many yeares closed in darkenes. And when he had continued there a certaine ceason, then he came down from thence into the netherlandes, and had his moste abiding in the towne of Andwarpe  

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There is actually no evidence that Tyndale visited Saxony. He did, however, visit Cologne in 1525, where his translation of the New Testament was partially printed, before the printing house was raided by the authorities. Tyndale then journeyed to the safe Lutheran city of Worms where his New Testament was printed in 1526. Exactly when Tyndale reached Antwerp is unknown, but it was in the years 1526-8.

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, vntill the tyme of his apprehension, there beynge not idle but labouryng in setting forth þe plain declaratiō and vnderstāding of the scriptures, of the whiche all were not put forth in prynte, as one worke that he made for the declaration (as it was called at that tyme) of the sacramēt of the altar, the whiche he kept by him, for in that he folowed the counsell of saynt Paule, that to suche as be not yet stronge, feede them with mylke, and afterwards as they may bear it with strong meate. So he considered the people were not as yet fully perswaded in other smaller matters tending to superfluous ceremonies, and grosse idolatrie. Wherefore he thought as yet time was not come to haue put forth that worke, but rather to haue hindred the people in refraining from thother, for it should haue semed to them odible, to haue spoken or set forth at that tyme, that should haue sounded ought in their eares, againste their great goddes Diana. Act. xix. MarginaliaThe masse cōpared to Diana of myght be called the Masse, being had here in as great estimation, as the Ephesians hadde their goddes Diana, who as thei beleued came from heauē  
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This is a reference to Acts 19: 24-41.

. Wherfore maister Tyndall beyng a man both prudent in his doinges, and no lesse zelous in the setting forth of the truthe of Gods worde, in suche sorte, that it might take mooste effecte with the people, did forbeare the putting forth of that worke, doubting not but þt God would be mercifull to his elect: that a tyme shoulde come to haue that abhomination openly declared, as it is nowe at this daye  
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This a reference to William Tyndale, A brief declaration of the sacraments, STC 24445, which was not published until around 1548. In this work, Tyndale denied the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, arguing instead that it is the inner faith of the communicants that makes the Lord's Supper a Sacrament. This view was not only objectionable to Catholics, but also to Henry VIII and (at this time) Thomas Cranmer.

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, for the whiche laude and prayse bee geuen to the almightie Lorde, whose prouidence is to wonderfull for man to take in hande to knowe, what, when, or where, he doth or wyll suffer thynges to be done. MarginaliaThe newe Testament translated by TyndalAfter that he had finished that woorke, then toke he in hande to conferre the newe testament with the Greake. And that fynyshed and put forth, then was in hand to declare his mynde vpon a place in the newe Testament, where one had altered it, otherwyse then maister Tyndall hadde translated it, or as he sayd was translated by any other translation, in any language, and so put it forthe for maister Tyndals translation. Wherfore sayd he, if he wold haue altered the text, he should haue put it forth for his owne translation and not for myne. But this beyng endid and inprynting, he was betrayed and apprehended, the whiche apprehension was as hereafter foloweth.

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The sayde Tyndall being in the towne of Andwarpe, was and hadde bene lodged about one whole yeare in the house of Thomas Pointz an Englishemā, who kept there an houseof Englyshe marchauntes, about that tyme came there one thether out of England, MarginaliaHenry philips the betrayer of Tyndall.whose name was Henry Philippes, his father being costomer of Poole, for what purpose I cā not tell, nor for what purpose he was sent about, being a comely fellowe lyke as he hadde bene a gentleman hauing a seruaunt with hym.

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Maister Tyndall dyuerse tymes was desyred furth to dynner and supper amongest marchauntes, by the meanes wherof this fellowe Henry Phylippes became acquainted with hym, so that within shorte space Maister Tyndall hadde a great confidēce in hym, & brought hym to his lodging to the house of mayster Pointz. And had his fellowe Henry Philippes once or twyse to dynner and supper and thorowe maister Tyndals frendshyp he laye in the same house of maister Pointz. And there shewed hym in his bookes, diuerse places.

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Then Poyntz hauinge no greate confydence in the fellowe, asked maister Tyndall who brought hym or howe he came acquainted with Henry Philippes, maister Tyndall aunswered. He is an honest man, hansomly learned, & very confirmable. Then Pointz preceiuing that he bare suche fauour to hym, sayde no more, thynking that he was brought acquainted with hym by some frende of his. This sayde Philippes being in the towne iii. or iiii. dayes, vpon a tyme desyred Pointz to walke with him fourth of the towne and shew hym the commodities therof. And in walking together without the town, had communication of diuerse thinges, and some of the kyngs affaires. The whiche talke Poyntz perceiued shoulde haue bene parte of the occasion that should haue cost him his lyfe, but as at that tyme nothing suspecting any suche thing, but could not perceiue any great fauour that he bare to the settyng fourth of any good thyng, nor the proceadinges of the kynge in Englād: MarginaliaThe papist will spare no coste to fulfil theyr malicious enterprisesBut after whē tyme was past, the said Pointz perceiued his mynde was to haue him fourthe to feele of what mynde he was, if he could perceiue by hym, whether he might breake with hym in the matter for lucre of money to help hym to his purpose, for he perceiued before he was monied, and woulde that poyntz shoulde thynke no lesse, but by whom it is vnknowen for he had desyred Pointz before to helpe hym to diuers thinges, and suche thynges as he named he required might be of þe best, for sayd he I haue mony enough. But of this talke came nothyng but that men shoulde thynke he hadd some thyngs to do, for nothing els folowed of his talke. So it was to be suspected that Phylippes was in doubt to moue this matter for his purpose, to any of the Rulers or officers of the towne of Andwarpe, for doubte it shoulde come to the knowledge of some Englyshmen, & by the meane therof, Maister Tyndall shuld

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