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My grounde and beleue is, that there is but one God and one mediatour betwene God and man, whiche is Iesus Christ, so that I accepte none in heauen nor in earth to be mediatour betwene me and God, but only Iesus Christ, all other bee but peticioners in receiuinge of grace, but none able to geue influēce of grace. And therfore wyll I bestowe no parte of my goodes for that entent that any man shoulde saye or do, to help my soule, for therin I trust only to the promyses of God: he that beleueth and is baptized shalbe saued, & he that beleueth not shalbe dampned  

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Mark 16: 16.

. MarginaliaMath. 16.As touching þe buriyng of my body it auaileth me not whatsoeuer be don therto, for s. Aug. saieth De cura agenda pro mortuis, that the funerall pompes are rather the solace of thē that liue, then for the wealth and comforte of them that are dead, and therfore I remitte it onely to the discretion of myne executors.  
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Tracy's lack of concern over his burial arrangements was not heretical, but it was very unconventional.

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And touching the distribution of my temporal goodes, my purpose is by the grace of God to bestowe thē, to be accepted as the fruites of faith, so that I do not suppose that my merite is by good bestowyng of them, but my merite is the fayth of Iesus Christ onely, by whome suche works are good according to the wordes of our Lorde: I was hungry and thou gauest me to eate. &c  

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Matthew 25: 35.

. & it foloweth, that ye haue done to the least of my brethren ye haue donne it to me. &c.  
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Matthew 25: 45.

MarginaliaMath. 25.And euer we should consider the true sentēce, that a good worke maketh not a good manne, but a good manne maketh a good worke: for fayth maketh the man both good and righteous, for a righteous man liueth by fayth: and what soeuer spryngeth not of fayth is synne  
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This is a rather free reading of Romans 14: 17-23.

. MarginaliaRoma. 14.

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And all my temporall goodes that I haue not geuen or deliuered, or not geuen by wrytyng of myne own hand, bearyng the date of this present writyng, I do leaue and geue to Margaret my wyfe, & to Richard my sonne whom I make myne Executors. Witnes this mine owne hande, the x. of October in the xxii. yeare of the reigne of kynge Henry the eight.

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This is the true copie of his wyll, for the which as you hard before, after he was almost iii. yeares dead they toke him vp & burned him

The storie of xxiiii. burned at Paris.

THis yeare of our Lorde 1534. is called vnto this present day, in Paris, Lan des placardes, þt is to saye: the yeare of placards so called, because that of this yeare in the moneth of October, there were diuers wrytinges and billes set vp in Paris, vpon the porches and gates against the wickednes of the masse and other papisticall supersticions. For whiche cause, many were aprehended and caste in prison. but xxiiii. were executed in seuerall places of the citie of Paris, MarginaliaEx epistola Barth. Lani ad Eras.of the whiche nomber we haue atteined to the knowledg and names only of sixe, whose end we will here brieflye describe vnto yow.

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¶ Barthlet Myllon.

THis Bartholet Myllon was the first that suffred, being a young mā, hauing the palsey and lame of all his members, sauing only his handes and his tongue, notwithstanding of a maruailous feruent mynde and inuincible Constancie, whiche neuer ceased to admonishe and instruct all men, to aduaunce the glorie of God, in such sort, that the enemies of the truthe were astonied to see his constancie, this man was executed with extreame crueltie.

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MarginaliaIohn de burge.Likewyse Iohn de Burge a ryche marchant of Paris, maister of the black horse, was in like maner put to death. MarginaliaThe receiuer of Naūtes.Also the receauer of Nauntes in Britaine, a man of gret substāce and full of charitable almes vnto the poore, was burned at the crosse in Paris.

MarginaliaHēry poileHenry Poile borne at Cubberon, a mason by his occupacation, had his tonge thrust thorowe with a wier, and so made faste vnto his checke, and after burned.

MarginaliaCattell.Ther was also of this nōber, a womā which taught a schole, named Cattelle, who was in like maner burned alyue, in a nother place of the Citie of Parris.

MarginaliaSteuen de la Forge.Steuen de la foarge, borne in tornay, being a marchant dwelling in Paris, Constantly endured death, about þe same time, & was burnt in S. Iohns Cloister, whose memory also is worthie to be accompted amongst the faithful, as a true wytnes of the doctrine of the sonne of God.

The resydue of this nomber were in like case executed in diuerse places, but for so muche as we haue not attained to the knowledge of their names, we will here passe them ouer.

JN this yeare also, the Prynces Dowager, which as you haue hard befor, was lately deuorced from the kyng, continuing still in her obstinate mynde, procured a curse from the Pope, whereby the kynge and all the Realme was accursed & enterdited, the bearer of which curse being by all likelyhode a man not all of moste stout stomake and courage, thought it a great deale more sure and better for him, to bestowe it without the kynges reach, then to aduenture him selfe within the kynges dominions, and therfore set it vp in the town of Dunkerke in Flaunders, MarginaliaWilliam Lock plucked downe the Popes curse at dōkerke.where it was afterward taken downe, by Wylliam locke, of London

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