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Actes and Monuments of the Church.

opinion, he wold cut her throte with his own handes, with other wordes.

The sentence of the quest subscribed by the Crowner.  
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A copy of the document (unknown to Foxe) survives as TNA 9/468, fo. 14r-v. This copy matches the version in STC 13970, reprinted by Hall and then by Foxe.

THe inquisition intendid and taken at the citie of London, in the paryshe of saint Gregorie, in the warde of Baynard Castel in London the sixt day of December, in the yeare and reigne of kyng Henry the eight, the sixt yeare afore Thomas Barnewel Crouner of our soueraigne Lorde the kyng, within the citie of London aforesayd. Also afore Iames Yarford, and Iohn Mondey Sheriffes of the sayd citie, vpon the syght of the bodie of Rychard Hun, late of London Taylour, whiche was founde hanged in the Lollars tower, and by the othe and profe of lawfull men of the same warde, & of other three wardes nexte adioyning, as it ought to be, after the custome in the citie afore sayde, to enquire howe, & in what manerwise, the sayde Rychard Hun came vnto his death, and vpon the othe of Iohn Bernard, Thomas Sterte, William Warren, Henry Abraham, Iohn Aborow, Iohn Turner, Robert Alen, Wylliam Marler, Iohn Burtō, Iames Page, Thomas Pickebyll, Wylliam Burton, Robert Brigewater, Thomas Busted, Gylbert Howell, Richard Gibson, Christopher Crofton, Iohn God, Rychard Holt, Iohn Pasmere Edmonde Hudson, Iohn Aunsell, Rycharde Couper, Iohn Tynie, the whiche sayde vpon their othes, that where the sayd Rychard Hun by the commaundement of Rychard byshop of London, was imprysoned and brought to hold in a pryson of the sayd byshops, called Lollars towre, lying in the cathedrall churche of saint Paule in London, in the paryshe of saint Gregorie, in the warde of Baynerde castell afore sayde, Wylliam Horseley of London Clerke, otherwyse called William Heresie, Chauncelour to Rycharde byshop of London, and one Charles Ioseph, late of London Somner, and Iohn Spaldyng of London, otherwyse called Iohn Belrynger, feloniously as felons to our Lorde the kyng, with force and armes against the peace of our soueraigne Lorde the kynge, and dignitie of his crowne, the fourth daye of December, the yeare of the reigne of our soueraigne Lorde the sixt aforesayde, of their great malice, at the paryshe of saynt Gregorie aforesayde, vpon the sayde Rycharde Hun made a fraie, and the same Rychard Hun foloniously strangeled and smodered, and also the necke they dyd breake of the sayde Rycharde Hun, & there feloniously slewe hym & murthered him: and also the body of the sayde Rycharde Hun afterwarde the same. iiii. daye, yeare, place, paryshe and warde aforesayde, with the proper gyrdell of þe same Rychard Hun of sylke, black of colour, of the value of. xii. pence, after his death vpon a hoke dryuen into a piece of tym-ber in the wall of the pryson aforesayde, made fast, and so hanged hym against the peace of our soueraigne Lorde the kyng, and the dignitie of his crowne, and so the sayde Iury hathe sworne vpon the holy Euangelist, that the sayde Wylliā Horsey clerke, Charles Ioseph, and Iohn Spaldyng of their set malice then, and there, feloniously kylled and murthered the sayde Rychard Hun, in maner and forme abouesayd, against the peace of our soueraigne Lorde the kyng, his crowne and dignitie.

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Subscribed in this maner.
Thomas Barnewell, Crouner of the
citie of London.

Comming now to the yeare. 1515. next folowing to speake of Maister Martine Luther, but here fyrst I must craue a litle leaue of the Reader to breake and interupt somewhat thorder & course of the story, by the way of digression, to intreate of two good men, which partly for hast haue bene left out, but not so to be let go vnremembred.

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¶ The Historie of doctor Wesalianus and doctor Veselus.

A Littell before  

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John de Wesalia and Sixtus IV

Foxe first related the history of Johann Ruceruth of Wesel in the 1563 edition. This narrative was based on based on the documents of Ruceruth's trial, printed in Ortwin Gratius, Fasciculi rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum and the account of Ruceruth in Matthias Flacius, Catalogus testium veritatis. In the 1563 edition, Foxe also had a brief account of Sixtus IV, which was based on John Bale's Catalogus, pp. 602-3 and 625-5. This account briefly mentioned Sixtus's sponsorship of the Rosary of the Psalter of Our Lady, but largely emphasized the pope's alleged liscensing of brothels and his granting of indulgences for sodomy to his intimates. The account of Ruceruth was expanded in the 1570, with further material from Ortwin Gratius, in response to criticisms from Nicholas Harpsfield. Foxe also added a brief relation of a Franconian cowherd who was burned as a heretic in 1479; this was taken from Bale's Catalogus (p. 625). The account of Sixtus IV was greatly expanded in the 1570 edition with Foxe's denunciation of the devotions to the Vurgin Mary, which the pope had sponsored. None of this material was altered in subsequent editions. This section of the Acts and Monuments contains a number of what Foxe believed were features of the late medieval Church: the existence of a small remnant of members of the True Church in every region and from every background, their persecution by the False Church and the 'idolatry', sexual depravity, and 'superstition' which characterized it.

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Thomas S. Freeman
University of Sheffield

, in þe story of Pope Sixtus the fourth, we made mētion of doctoure Wesellus, writing de indulgentiis papalibus. This Wesellus and doctoure Ioannes de Wesalia  
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Johann Ruceruth von Wesel should not be confused with his similarly named contemporary, Wesel Gansfort. This mistake is particularly easy to make when reading the 1563 edition (p. 396)., where Foxe - repeating Matthias Flacius - calls the former 'Doctor Weselianus' and the latter 'Doctor Weselus' respectively.

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, liued both much aboute on time. Saue that Ioannes de Wesalia was somwhat elder, about the yeare of our Lorde. 1479. This doctour Wesalia  
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This narrative of Ruceruth's trial is derived from Ortwin Gratius, Fasciculi rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum (Cologne, 1535), fos. 163r-167r and Matthias Flacius, Catalogus testium veritatis (Strasbourg, 1562), p. 560.

being complained vpon vnto Diotherus the Archbishop of Ments, by certain Thomists. Which is a certaine order holding of Thomas de Aquino, vpon certaine articles and opiniōs gathered out of þe sermones this Diotherus Archbishop of Mentz directeth foorth commission to the vniuersities of Heidelberg, and Colen to haue the matter in examination, who conuenting together the yeare a boue mentioned, caled this doctor Wesalia before thē, making him to swere that he should present and giue vp all his treatises woorckes and writinges, whatsoeuer he had made or preched, that being done, they deuided his bokes amongest them selues, seuerally euery man to finde out what heresies & errors they could. His articles and opinions were these, that all men be saued frely,and through mere grace by faith in christ. Fre wil to be nothing. Only that we shuld beleue the worde of god, and not the glose of any man, or fathers. That the word of God is to be expoūded by the collation of one place with an nother. That Prelats haue no autority to make lawes, or to expound the scriptures by any perculier right geuen thē more then to another.

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