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K. Henry. 8 The condemnation of Richard Bayfilde, Martyr.

Iohannes Oecolāpadius vpō the expositiō of these wordes: Hoc est corpus meum. The Annotations of Oecolampadius vppon the Epistles of Paule to the Romaines Oecolampadius his Commentary vppon the iij. last Prophets, Aggeus, Zacharie, and Malachie. The Sermons of Oecolampadius vppon the Catholicke Epistles of Iohn. A booke of Annotations vpon Genesis, gathered of Huldericus Zwinglius. The Commentaries of Pomeran vppon foure chapters of the i. Epistle to the Corinthiās. Annotations of Pomeran vpon Deut. and Samuell. Pomeran vpon the Psalmes. The Commentaries of Fraunces Lambert of Auinion, vpon the Gospell of S. Luke. A Congest of all matters of Diuinitie by Fraunces Lambert. The Commentaries of Frances Lambert vpon the Prophet Ioel. The Commentaries of Fraunces Lambert vpō the Prophetes, Micheas, Naum, Abacuc, Sophonias, Aggeus, Zacharias, Amos, Abdias, Ionas, and Osee. A new Glose of Philip Melancton vppon the Prouerbes of Salamon. The Commentaries of Philip Melancton, vpō the Epistle of S. Paule to the Colos. The Annotations of Philip Melancton, vppon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romaines, and vpō i. Epistle to the Colos. Salomons sentences trāslated accordyng to the Hebrewe by Philip Melancton. Most wholesome Annotations vpon the Gospell of S. Marke, by Christopher Hegendorphinus. The Cōmentaries of Iohn Brentius vpon Iob. The Commentary of Iohn Brentius vpon Ecclesiastes of Salomon. Homilies of Brentius vpō the Gospell of S. Iohn. The Annotations of Andrew Althomarus, and Brentius vpon the Epistle of S. Iames. The Commentaries of Bucer vpon Sophonias. Bucer vpon the iiij. Euangelistes. The proces Cōsistoriall of the Martyrdome of Iohn Husse. A brief commendatory of M. Luther vnto Otho Brunfelsius, as touching the lyfe, doctrine and Martyrdome of Iohn Hus. Felinus vpon the Psalter, his exposition vpon Esay, his expositions vpon Ieremie. Capito vpon Oseas. Capito vpon Abacuc. Vnio dessidentium. The Pandect of Otho. The Cataloge of famous men. An aunswere of Tyndall vnto Syr Thomas More. A disputation of Purgatory made by Ioh. Frith in English. A prologe to the v. booke of Moyses called Deuteronomy. The first booke of Moyses called Genesis. A prologue to the iij. booke of Moyses called Leuiticus. A prologue to the iiij. booke of Moyses called Num. A prologue to the ij. booke of Moyses called Exod. The practise of prelates. The new Testament in English, with an introduction to the Romaines. The parable of the wicked Mammon. The Obedience of a Christen man. A. B. C. of Thorpes. The Summe of Scripture.MarginaliaThe Primer and Psalter in Englishe forbidden. The primer in Englishe. The Psalter in English. A Dialogue betwixt the Gentleman and the Plowman: Of all which kynde of bookes both in Latin and English, translated, set forth and imprinted, containyng not onely Lutherian heresies, but also the damnable heresies of other heretickes condemned, for as much as thou haste brought ouer from the parties beyonde the Sea a great nomber into this Realme of England, and specially to our Citie and Dioces of London, and hast procured them to be brought and conueyed ouer, also hast kept by thee and studyed those bookes, and hast published & read them vnto diuers men, and many of those bookes also hast dispersed and geuen vnto diuers persons dwellyng within our Citie and Dioces of London, and hast cōfessed and affirmed before our Officiall, that those bookes of M. Luther and other heretickes his complices and adherentes, and all the contentes in them are good & agreable to the true fayth, saying thus, that they are good and of the true fayth, and by this meanes and pretence, hast commāded and praysed M. Luther, his adherents and complices, and hast fauored and beleued their errours, heresies and opinions: Therfore we Iohn the Byshop aforesayd, first callyng vpon the name of Christ,MarginaliaIf Christ were before your eyes, ye would not condemne this good mā for these good bookes and settyng God onely before our eies, by the counsell and consent of the Diuines and Lawyers, with whom in this behalfe we haue conferred, do declare and decree thee the foresayd Richard Bayfild, otherwise called Somersam, for the contempt of thy abiuration, as a fauourer of the foresayd M. Luther, his adherentes, complices, fauourers, and other condemned heretickes, and for commendyng and studying, readyng, hauyng, retainyng, publishyng, sellyng, giuyng, and dispersing the bookes and writynges, as well of the sayd M. Luther, his adherentes and disciples, as of other heretickes before named, and also for credityng, and maintayning the errours and heresies, and damnable opinions contained in the sayd bookes and writynges, worthely to be and haue bene an hereticke, and that thou by the pretence of the premisses art fallen agayne most damnably into heresie, and we pronounce that thou art and hast bene a relapsed hereticke, and hast incurred and oughtest to incurre the payne and punishment of a relapse, and we so decree & declare, and also condemne thee therunto, and that by the pretence of the premisses, thou hast euen by the lawe, incurred the sentence of greater excommunication, and thereby we pronounce and declare thee to haue bene and to be excommunicate, and clearely discharge, exonerate and disgrade thee from all priuiledge and prerogatiue of the Ecclesiasticall orders, and also depriue thee of all Ecclesiasticall office and benefice: also we pronounce and declare thee by this our sentence or decree, the whiche wee here promulgate and declare in these writynges, that thou art actually to be disgraded, deposed, and depriued, as followeth.

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MarginaliaThe sentence of degradation agaynst blessed Bayfilde.  

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As a former monk, Bayfield was in clerical orders and had to be formally degraded from them before he could be executed.

IN the name of God. Amen. We Iohn by the permission of God, Byshop of London, rightly and lawfully proceeding in this behalfe, doe dimisse thee Richard Baifeld, aliâs Somersam, beyng pronunced by vs a relapsed hereticke, and disgraded by vs frō all Ecclesiastical priuiledge, out of the Ecclesiasticall Court, pronouncing that the secular power here present should receiue thee vnder their iurisdiction,MarginaliaAnd they shall cast you out of their Synagoges for my names sake. earnestly requiring and desiring in the bowels of Iesu Christ, that the execution of this worthy punishment, to be done vpon thee, and against thee in thys behalfe, may be so moderated, that there be neither ouermuch crueltie, neither to much fauorable gentlenes, but that it may be to the health and saluation of thy soule, and to the extirpation, feare, terrour, and conuersion of all other heretickes vnto the vnitie of the Catholike faith. This our finall decree by this our sentence definitiue, we haue caused to be published in forme aforesayd.

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Monday the xx. of Nouemb. 1531. In the Queere of the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul before the sayde Iohn Byshop of London iudicially sitting, beyng assisted wyth Iohn Abbot of Westminster, and Robert Abbot of Waltham, Nicholas Prior of Christ Church in London, these honorable Lordes beyng also present, Henry Earle of Essex, Richard Gray, brother of the Marques of Somerset, Iohn Lambert Maior of London, Richard Gresham and Edward Altam Shrieffes (the which Maior and Shriues were required to be there present by the Bishop of Londons letters here after written, and by vertue of a statute of kyng Henry the fourth kyng of England)  

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The statute referred to is 'De haeretico comburendo', which mandated the punishment for heresy and the process for trying and punishing heretics. It wasenacted under Henry IV in 1401.

MarginaliaOf this statute read before pag. 507. also in the presence of diuers Chanons, the Chauncellour, Officiall, and Archdeacon of London, wyth the Byshops Chaplaynes, and a great number both of the Clergie and Laitie, Mathew Grefton the Register beyng also there present:MarginaliaM. Rich. Bayfilde agayne brought before the Byshop. M. Rich. Bayfild, aliás Somersam, was brought forth by Thomas Turnor the Aparator hys keeper, in whose presence the transumpt of the Apostolicke Bull of Pope Leo the. x. vpon the condempnation of Martin Luther and hys adherentes, was brought forth and shewed, sealed with the seale of Thomas Wolsey late Legate de Latere, and subscribed wyth the signe and name of M. Robert Tunnes, publike Notary, and also the decree vpon the condemnation of certeine bokes brought in by hym, sealed wyth the seale of the archbyshop of Canterbury, and subscribed by three Notaries.

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Then the Byshop of London repeted in effecte before hym, his abiuration which he had before made, and other hys demerites committed and done, beside hys abiuration: and the sayde Baifeld sayde, that he was not culpable in the articles that were obiected agaynst him, and desired that the heresies contayned in the bookes whiche he brought ouer, myght be declared in open audience. Then the Byshop, after certeine talke had wyth the sayd Bayfeld as touching the deserte of hys cause, asked hym whether he coulde shewe any cause why he shoulde not be deliuered ouer vnto the seculer power, and be pronounced as a relaps, and suffer punishment as a relaps. The sayd Baifeld declared or propoūded no cause, but said, that he brought ouer those bokes for lacke of money, and not to sowe any heresies. And incontinent the sayd Bayfeld with a vehement spirite (as it appeared) sayde vnto the Byshop of London,MarginaliaThe saying of Rich. Bayfilde to the Bysh of London. the life of you of the spiritualtie is so euill, that ye be heretickes, and ye doe not onely liue euill, but doe maintayne euill lyuing, and also do let, that what true lyuing is, may not be knowen, and sayd that their liuyng is agaynst Christes Gospell, and that their belief was neuer taken of Christes Church. Then the sayde Byshop, after long deliberation had, for so much as the sayde Rich. Bayfild (he sayd) could shew no cause why he should not be declared as relapse, he read the decree and sentence agaynst hym:MarginaliaSentence against Rich. Bayfilde. by the which amongest other thinges, he condemned him as an hereticke, and pronounced him to be punished with the punishment due vnto such as fall againe into heresie, and by his wordes did disgrade him, and also declared that he should be actually disgraded, as is more at large conteined in the long sentence.

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