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1210 [1210]

K. Henry. 8. The processe agaynst James Baynham.

hand) this worde of God would damne me both body and soule at the day of iudgemēt. And there hee prayed euery body rather to dye by and by, then to do as hee did: for he would not feele such an hell agayne, as hee did feele, for all the worldes good. Beside this, hee wrote also certeine letters to the Byshop, to hys brother, and to others, MarginaliaBaynham agayn apprehended and cast in the that shortly after, he was apprehended and so committed to the Tower of London.

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¶ The proces against Iames Bainam, in case of relaps.  
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The documents from this second trial of Bainham as a relapsed heretic are from a now lost court book of Bishop John Stokesley.

MarginaliaAn other processe agaynst Iames Baynham.
Ex Registro Lond.
THe. xix. day of April. 1532. M. Richard Foxford Vicar General to the bishop of London, accompanied with certein Diuines, and Mathew Grefton the Register sitting iudicially, Iames Bainhā was brought before him by the Lieuetenaunt of the tower, before whom þe vicar generall rehearsed the articles cōteyned in his abiuration before made, & shewed him a bounde boke, whiche the saide Bainam acknowleged to be hys own writing, saying that it was good. Then he shewed him more of a certein letter sent vnto þe bishop of London, the whiche he also acknowledged to be his: obiecting also to the said Bainhā, that he had made and read the abiuration which he had before recited: shewyng him moreouer certein letters which he had writtē vnto his brother, the whiche he confessed to be his own writing, saying moreouer that, though he wrote it, yet there is one thing in the same that is nought, if it be as my L. Chaūcelour saith. Thē he asked of Bainam how he vnderstoode this which followeth, which was in his letters: yet coulde they not se nor know him for God, when in dede he was both God & man, yea he was. iii. persons in one, the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy ghost: and Bainam sayde it is naught. MarginaliaArticles falsely depraued by the aduersaryes.Which thinges thus done, there was further obiected vnto hym these wordes, that he had as leefe pray to Ioane his wyfe, as to our ladye. The whiche article Bainam denied. The sayd Bainam amongest other talke as touching the sacrament of the altar, said: Christes body is not chawed with teeth, but receiued by faith. Further it was obiected against him, that notwithstanding his abiuration, he had said that the sacramēt of the altar was but a mysticall or memoriall body: the which article Bainam denied. MarginaliaThomas Becket.It was further laid vnto him that he should saye, that S. Thomas of Canterbury was a thief and murtherer, & a deuill in hel. Wherunto he answered thus, that S. Thomas of Canterbury was a murtherer, & if he did not repent him of his murther, he was rather a deuill in hell, than a Saint in heauen.

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MarginaliaAn other appearāce.The. xx.  

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This date was corrected in the 1570 edition. This is an indication of both the haste in which these documents were transcribed for the1563 edition and the careful correction of the text in the 1570 edition.

daye of Aprill in the yeare aforsaid, the sayd Iames Bainam was brought before the vicar generall in the Church of all Saintes of Barking, where as he ministred these interrogatories vnto him. First, that since the feast of Easter last past, he had said, affirmed and beleued, that the sacrament of the altar was but a misticall body of Christ, and afterwarde he said, it was but a memorial: the which article Bainam denied. Thē the vicar general declared vnto him, that our holy mo-mother the catholike church determineth and teacheth in this maner: that in the sacrament of the Altar, after the wordes of consecration, there remaineth no bread. The officiall asked Bainam whether he dyd so beleue or not. Wherunto Bainam aūswered, saying, MarginaliaS. Paul calleth the sacrament bread.that S. Paul calleth it bead, rehearsing these wordes: Quotiescunque comederitis panem hunc, & de poculo biberitis, mortem Domini annunciabitis: and in that point he saith as S. Paul sayth, and beleueth as the church beleueth. And beynge demaunded twise afterward what he thought therin, he would geue no other answere.

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MarginaliaTrue preachers haue as much power of the keys as the Pope.Item, that since the feast of Easter aforsaid, he had affirmed and beleued that euery man that would take vpon him to preach the gospel of Christe clearlye, had as much power as þe Pope. To the which article he answered thus: He that preacheth the word of God what soeuer he be, & lyueth therafter, he hath the keye that bindeth and looseth both in heauen & earth. The which key is the same scripture that is preached, & the Pope hath no other power to binde and to loose, but by the keye of scripture.

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MarginaliaArticles falsely depraued.Item, that he affirmed that S. Thomas of Canterbury was a thief and a murtherer & in hel. Wherunto he aunswered as before.

Item, that he sayd he had as leefe to praye to Ioane his wyfe as to our lady: the which he denied as before.

Item, that he affirmed and beleued that Christ him selfe was but a man: the which article he also denied.

MarginaliaWitnes agaynst M. Baynham.The premisses thus passed, the vicar geneeall receyued Fraunces Realmes, Iohn Edwardes, Raph Hilton, Iohn Ridley, Fraunces Dryland, and Raph Noble, as witnesses to be sworn vpon þe articles aforsaid, and to speake the truth before the face of the sayd Iames Bainam in þe presence of M. Ihon Nailer vicar of Barking, M. Ihon Rode, Bacheler of Diuinitye, William Smith, Richard Griuel, T. Wimple, and Richard Gill.

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MarginaliaThe last appearance of Iames Baynham.The. xxvj. of Aprill in the yeare aforesayd, before M. Ihon Foxfard vicar general of the Bishop of London, in the presence of Mathew Grefton Regester, and Nicolas Wylson, and William Philley, professors of Diuinitie, Ihon Oliuer, William Midletō, and Hugh Aprice, Doctors of the Lawe, M. Richard Gresham shriffe of London, and a great companye of others, Iames Baynam was brought forth by þe Lieftenant of þe Tower, in whose presence þe vicar general rehearsed the merites of the cause of inquisitiō of heresy against hym, and proceded to the reading of the abiuratiō. And when the iudge read this article folowing cōtained in the abiuration: MarginaliaSoules departed.Item, that I haue said that I will not determin whether any souls departed be yet in heauen or no, but I beleue þt they be there as it pleaseth God to haue them, that is to saye, in the fayth of Abraham: and I wotte not whether the soules of the Apostles or any other bee in heauen or no: to thys Iames aunswered, that I dyd abiure, and if that had not bene, I would not haue abiured at all.

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After all the articles were read contayned in the abiuration, and certeine talke had as touching the Sacrament of Baptisme, the sayd Iames Baynham spake these wordes: MarginaliaThe sacramēt of baptisme.If a Turcke, a Iewe, or Sarasen doo trust in God and keepe his lawe, he is a good Christian mā. Then the official shewed vnto hym the letters which he sente vnto his brother wryttē with his owne hand, and asked him what he thought as touching this clause folowing: Yet could they not see & know hym for God, when in dede he was both God and man, yea he was. iij. persons in one, the Father, the Sonne, & the holy Ghost. Wherunto Bainam said, þt it was naught & that he did it by ignoraunce, & did not ouer see his letters. Then M. Nicolas Wilson amongst other talke as touching the Sacrament of þe altar, declared vnto hym that the Church dyd beleue the very body of Christ to be in the sacrament of the Altar. Bainam aunswered: MarginaliaThe sacramēt of the aultar.The bread is not Iesus Christ, for Christes bodye is not chawed with teeth, therfore it is but bread. Beyng further demaunded whether in the Sacrament of the Altar, is the very body of Christ God and man in flesh and bloud: after diuers doubtfull aunsweres, Baynham aunswered thus: he is there very God and man in forme of bread.

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This done, the Officiall declared vnto hym the depositions of the witnesses which were come in agaynst hym, & obiected vnto hym that a litle before Easter he had abiured all heresies as well particularlye as generally. Then the said Vicar generall, after he had taken deliberation & aduise with þe learned hys assistaunces, MarginaliaSentence read against Baynham.dyd proceede to the readyng of the definitiue sentence against him, & also publshed þe same in writing: wherby amongest other thynges besides hys abiuration, he pronounced and condemned hym as a relapsed hereticke dampnably fallen into sondry heresies, and so to bee

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