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Women as benefactors
1. The Coucher Book of the
Cistercian Abbey of Kirkstall, ed. W. T. Lancaster and W. P. Baildon, Publications
of the Thoresby Society 8 (Leeds, 1904), no. ccxvi (p. 153).
2. See J. Wardrop, Fountains Abbey and its Benefactors 1132-1300 (Kalamazoo,
pp. 46, 270.
3. The Ros genealogy states that Adelina’s husband, Peter Ros, was buried
at Rievaulx, but as Janet Burton notes, this is probably a mistake since Peter,
it seems, died before 1130, namely, before Rievaulx had been founded, J. Burton, ‘The
estates and economy of Rievaulx Abbey in Yorkshire’, Citeaux (1998),
29-94, at p. 69, no. 174. Other members of the Roos family were later buried
in the church and include John Ros (d. 1393) and his wife Maria, who were buried
to the south of the High Altar, see J. Burton, ‘Kirkham Priory from Foundation
to Dissolution’, University of York Borthwick Papers no. 86 (1995),
23; P. Fergusson and S. Harrison, Rievaulx Abbey (Yale, 1999), pp. 250-251
4. Wardrop, Fountains Abbey, pp. 216-217.
5. G. Burnett, Roche Abbey: Guide to the Ancient Home of the Cistercians (Rotherham,
1919) p. 3.
6. P. Fergusson, Roche Abbey (London, English Heritage, 1990, rep. 1999), p.
7. Cited in B. Golding, ‘Gerald of Wales and the Cistercians’, Reading
Medieval Studies XXI (Reading, 1995), pp. 5-30, at p. 18.
8. B. Golding, ‘Gerald of Wales and the Cistercians’, Reading
Studies XXI (Reading, 1995), pp. 5-30, at pp. 18-19.
9. YAS Record Series: Notes on the Religious Houses I, ed. Baildon, pp. 184-5.
10. Yorkshire Fines, John, Surtees Soc. XCIV (1897), no. xcix (p. 40).
11. Yorkshire Fines, John, Surtees Soc. XCIV (1897), no. cccxc (p. 143).