... they obtain from a rich man a valueless
and despised plot in the heart of a great
wood, by much feigning of innocence and long importunity, putting
in God at every other word. The wood is cut down, stubbed up and
levelled into a plain, bushes give place to barley, willows to wheat,
withies to vines; and it may be that to give them full time for
these operations, their prayers have to be somewhat shortened.(1)
[Walter Map, twelfth-century archdeacon, satirist and critic of
the Cistercians]
Cistercian communities needed to acquire or have
access to vast tracts of lands to sustain arable and pastoral farming
and thereby support the self-sufficiency of the house. This land
was primarily worked by the lay-brothers,
whose activities were co-ordinated from agricultural centres known
as granges. The Cistercians directly exploited their lands from
the granges, cultivating and harvesting crops and rearing livestock.
They developed a highly efficient land-based economy and even their
most bitter critics acknowledged their effective transformation
of these desolate sites.
In this section you can read more about
Cistercian farming at the Yorkshire
abbeys of Fountains and