Heritage, for their help support and
access to the sites.
Kate Green for her wonderful artwork.
Stuart Harrison, Ryedale Archaeology
for his work on reconstructing the abbeys without which the
would not
The Humanities
Research Institute, University
of Sheffield, and its directors Professor Mark Greengrass and
Professor David Shepherd, for providing extensive
technical and secretarial support for the project as well as
a congenial home for the project's staff and web site.
The Project's Management Committee, Prof Andrew
Prescott (Centre for Research into Freemasonry, University
of Sheffield) and Dr Christine Sexton (Corproate Information
and Computing
Services), for their time help and advice.
The Public
Record Office, for
its kind permission to reproduce images for our web site.
Bryan Sitch of the Abbey
House Museum, Leeds
for his help co-operation and advice.
Ray Thompson for his kind permission to reproduce images for
our web site.