burtomt (OSw) noun

Literally, ‘house plot’. This referred specifically to the parcel of land designated for the owner’s dwelling house and other buildings. It was subject to certain protections against encroachment and is what we would now call the curtilage. It could be excluded from a property sale, for example. This word occurs only in DL and VmL and this meaning is conveyed elsewhere in the word tom(p)t alone. It is clear from the context, however, in DL, VmL and UL that certain instances of tompt refer to this building land of the owner and not to the agricultural land, which is referenced later in the same chapter. The division of the agricultural land in the village was based on the amount and siting of curtilage that the householder owned.

building plot OSw DL Bb
curtilage OSw VmL Jb Refs:

KLNM, s.v. tomt; Schlyter 1877, s.v. burtomt; SL UL, 189 note 21; SL VmL, 152 note 23

  • ‘burtomt’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/790