heta (OSw) hete (ODan) haita (OGu) heita (OGu) verb

Verbal sanctions against certain convicted criminals legitimized the use of invectives that otherwise would have been considered defamation, a criminal offence. The frequently occurring statement that a convicted criminal should ‘be known as a thief’ or ‘be called a whore’, etc., in connection with other penalties, suggests that such verbal sanctions could be seen as part of the punishment. Certain non-criminal circumstances also caused the laws to stipulate that individuals publicly ‘be known as the child’s father’ or ‘be called a lawfully gotten wife’, etc. Exceptionally in GL, it refers to heathen worship.

be called ODan ESjL 3
ODan JyL 3
ODan SkKL 3, 9
ODan SkL 201, 209
OGu GL A 23
OGu GS Ch. 1, 4
OSw ÄVgL Äb, Gb, Rlb, Jb
OSw DL Kkb, Bb, Tjdb, Rb
OSw KrL Bb Kmb
OSw MEL Kmb Rb
OSw MESt Gb Bb Skb Tb
OSw ÖgL Kkb, Db, Rb, Bb
OSw UL Äb, Mb, Blb, Rb
OSw VmL Äb, Mb, Kmb, Bb, Rb
OSw YVgL Äb, Rlb, Tb, Jb

be considered to be OSw DL Gb
be declared OSw UL Mb, Kmb
OSw VmL Mb, Kmb

be held to be OSw UL Äb
OSw VmL Äb

be known as OSw SdmL Kkb, Gb, Äb, Bb, Kmb, Mb, Tjdb
be looked upon OSw HL Äb
be named OSw ÄVgL Vs
OSw YVgL Drb, Tb

pray to OGu GL A 4 Refs:

Inger 2011, 72; KLNM s.v. ærekrænkelse; Ney 1998

  • ‘heta’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2125